La Semana


Demi Lovato hizo referencia a sus trastornos alimentici­os


La cantautora Demi Lovato recienteme­nte recurrió a las redes sociales para abordar su batalla en curso contra un trastorno alimentici­o.

La estrella compartió se volvió a sincerar en Instagram y publicó una imagen con el símbolo de la Asociación Nacional de Trastornos de la Alimentaci­ón (NEDA) en su taza de té personaliz­ada.

Su pie de foto detalla la difícil situación por la que pasaba, y dice: “Este es el símbolo @neda para la recuperaci­ón del trastorno alimentici­o. Pinté esto hace años.. A pesar de que estaba en la agonía de mi desorden alimentici­o, todavía hice esto con la esperanza de que realmente lo creería algún día”.

“Todavía lucho. Diariament­e. Hay períodos de tiempo en los que me olvido de mis luchas por la comida y otras veces es todo en lo que pienso. Pero así es como se ve la recuperaci­ón de la disfunción eréctil para algunas personas y todavía tengo la esperanza de que algún día ya no pensaré en ello. Por ahora mi taza me recuerda que valgo la pena, y hoy lo creo”.

DEMI LOVATO says she still struggles with her eating disorder on a daily basis

Demi Lovato shared an Instagram post this week reminding people that the path to recovery from an eating disorder is often not quick or linear. And for some people, including them, it is an ongoing journey down a winding path.

Lovato posted a video of a hand-painted ceramic mug that read “I’m Worth It” and the logo of the National Eating Disorders Associatio­n (NEDA). For Lovato, who is recovering from bulimia, the personal item represents the ongoing nature of her healing process – and the importance of holding onto that hard work.

“This is the @nned icon for Eating Disorder Recovery,” Lovato wrote in the headline. “I painted this at @colormemin­e years ago … even though I was in the middle of my eating disorder, I still did this in the hope that one day I would really believe it.”

The singer, who previously shared her experience­s with dieting, food embarrassm­ent, and body image during her year-long recovery process, said she was having harder and better days at this point. “I’m still fighting. Every day. There are times when I forget about my food struggles and sometimes it’s all I think about. Still, ”wrote Lovato. “But this is what ED recovery looks like to some people, and I still hope one day I won’t think about it anymore. Right now my mug is a reminder that I’m worth it, and now I believe it.”

“Thank you Demi for being open and honest about your ongoing struggle,” NEDA wrote in a comment on the post. “ED recovery is not linear and this post is an important reminder to take it one day at a time.”

As with many mental and behavioral illnesses, recovery from an eating disorder can be lengthy, complex, and challengin­g, and everyone’s experience­s are different. (Not to mention the actual criteria for what it really means to recover from an eating disorder is up for debate.)

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