La Semana



Ankle injuries are one of the most common sports injuries. They occur when too much stress is placed on your ankle joint, causing it to tear or sprain. Ankle sprains can happen in all kinds of situations, from playing basketball to simply tripping over a crack in the sidewalk.

The most common type of ankle injury occurs when an outside force causes your foot and ankle to twist inward or outward beyond their normal range of motion resulting in ligament tears or other damage that may require surgery.

In this article, we’ll discuss what causes ankle injuries, who is most likely to get them, and how to protect yourself by strengthen­ing muscles around your ankles (and feet).

How Do Ankle Injuries Occur?

Ankle injuries can occur when the foot rolls inward, outward, or a combinatio­n of movements. These injuries can happen if your foot suddenly lands on an uneven surface while running or changing direction. An ankle sprain may also occur from landing awkwardly from a jump during a game or practice.

Treatment of Ankle Injuries

The treatment of ankle injuries depends on the severity of the damage. If you suspect that you may have injured your ankle, consult a healthcare profession­al immediatel­y so that they can examine and assess your injury. If necessary, they will direct you to physical therapy for further evaluation and treatment.

In most cases, you can treat mild ankle sprains at home with protection, rest, ice, compressio­n, and elevation. An athletic brace or taping of the joint can be used if it feels too weak to support weight on its own. Once healed, start strengthen­ing exercises as soon as possible so that you don’t fall victim to another ankle sprain in the future!

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