La Semana

Mexico’s cónsul in OKC, one year on


Pineda was Jrst appointed Consul in December 2022, promising she would lead the most e-cient and productive institutio­n in the country. Last July she honored her words by breaking the record of 260 daily appointmen­ts without delay.

“Now I can Jnally sleep at ease because I see an establishe­d and fully operative consulate. It was a great challenge, but I am happy, satisjed of seeing the fruits of our hard work,” she said.

“We are working at 100 percent with very good levels of productivi­ty and quality of attention, similar to other consulates which are bigger, have more staff and lots of years. And this is only a result of our commitment to this community and the enormous will to serve,” she recognized, adding it was a tremendous effort to train the staff and get ready to assist the Mexican community in Oklahoma for the Jrst time.

The consulate has been busy this year, and even if most of the workload is registered in the documentat­ion sector, there are other areas such as civil registry and public notary that have required more resources. But it is not only papers that the consulate handles, as Pineda explained: “We try to benejt from the presence of our conational­s to teach them things, to help them with their Jnances, their health and eating habits. The idea is that this consulate can help them achieve a better quality of living.”

Pineda explicitly stated the Consulate is always willing to listen and to assist the needs of the community.

The mobile consulate was another hit of the year, as it visited key cities like Tulsa and was welcomed every step of the way.

“The Mexican community has received us with open arms -- they are noble and hardworkin­g, and have always made us feel their love, something that deepens our commitment,” said Pineda.

Still, the Consul knows there are issues unsolved in which the Consulate requires imminent action.

“There are multiple legal issues to be addressed, domestic violence is another topic, as is immigratio­n, which is why we are creating a protection unit. We have called in a vice consul expert on these issues with a team of Jve people ready to work. We have also signed contracts with law Jrms to have resources available when our people face legal problems that deserve the involvemen­t of the authoritie­s,” she said.

Pineda informed she has been actively working to promote a positive image of Mexico in the state by showcasing the virtues and contributi­ons of the immigrant community throughout Sooner society.

“We have to show how necessary our immigrants are for this economy,” she stated. “When an immigrant arrives with no documents he has nothing, no assistance, no social security, nothing. Still, he works super hard, being paid less than the rest, paying taxes on every good he buys, and he survives, even sending money back home. In time, that person becomes an entreprene­ur because that’s what our culture teaches you to do, and that spirit benejts the country. There is even a study that claims the Hispanic economy in the US is the 5th biggest of the world. It is imperative that America approves comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform that acknowledg­es the needs of its own economy.”

Edurne Pineda is honored to preside over Oklahoma’s Jrst Mexican Consulate and be able to serve a community she believes is vibrant, hard working, and relevant.

“Know that in me you have a potential defender of your contributi­ons and interests, and know nwe are at your service,” she concluded.

The Mexican Consulate in OKC is located at W. Sheridan Ave, 1131, OKC. For more informatio­n visit: homa/index.php (La Semana)

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