La Semana

America and the dream of overcoming the sextet in 2024


The Eagles seek to be an era team and have before them the chance of winning seven titles in the following year. With the consecrati­on of the "fourteen" in the Apertura 2023, America aims high to be a team of the time and 2024 has the right way to become one. From the outset, the Coapa team has the possibilit­y of winning ;ve titles in the following year, a ;gure that could be increased to seven.

The ve titles that America can win in 2024

The Eagles will have a hectic schedule next year because they will play at least ;ve tournament­s which they aspire to win. The ;rst two are those of the Liga MX (Clausura 2024 and Apertura 2024) in which he will try to win the bi-championsh­ip and then dream of a three-time championsh­ip something that no team has achieved in the era of short tournament­s.

Already on the internatio­nal scene on his agenda he has the Concacaf Champions Cup (formerly Concachamp­ions) in which he begins his way against Real Estelí of Nicaragua in the ;rst round. In addition to that tournament, he also aspires to win the Leagues Cup that will live its second edition in the tournament where Liga MX and MLS clubs play.

Finally, the ;fth title could come in the Champion of Champions where he will face the winner of the Clausura 2024, although if America achieves the two-time championsh­ips, it will automatica­lly be awarded this trophy

The gure could increase to seven

America could surpass the sextet in 2024, because if the Champion of Champions wins, he will play the Champions Cup where he will face the Columbus Crew, the reigning champion of the MLS. Finally, he would close the year by winning the Interconti­nental Cup in case of being crowned in the Concacaf Champions Cup.

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