La Semana

Mexico Sends Historic Micro-robots Mission to Moon


Mexico is embarking on a historic journey with its maiden lunar mission, dubbed Colmena, slated for launch on January 8 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. This mission will deploy ve Mexican microbots on the moon’s surface, symbolizin­g a signi cant milestone in the nation’s space exploratio­n endeavors.

Mexico’s Leap into Lunar Exploratio­n

The microbots, each weighing approximat­ely 60 grams and measuring 12 cm in diameter, are the brainchild of Mexican scientists and over 250 university students. They are designed to electronic­ally recognize each other and assemble an energy generating panel. Colmena, Mexico’s contributi­on to the internatio­nal Artemis program led by NASA, is a testament to the country’s scienti;c prowess and ambition.

These Mexican microbots will hitch a ride to the moon aboard Peregrine, a lunar lander developed by a Pittsburgh-based space robotics company. Once there, they will take unpreceden­ted measuremen­ts above the lunar surface, such as lunar plasma temperatur­e and particle sizes. These data will pave the way for new insights into lunar exploratio­n.

Colmena Project: Mexico Sends Historic Micro-robots Mission to Moon

The director general of AEM, Salvador Landeros Ayala, shared that the Colmena

project will send ;ve micro-robots to the Moon. These robots were developed using technology from Mexico, originatin­g at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), led by Dr. Gustavo Medina Tanco. The project head emphasized that this is a historic event, being the ;rst of its kind in Latin America.

The technology for the micro-robots and all mission equipment was developed at the Space Instrument­ation Laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences (LINX-ICN) a!liated with UNAM. Other project contributo­rs included AM, the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (Conahcyt), and the Government of the state of Hidalgo.

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