La Semana

Valentine’s Day celebratio­ns across Latin America


Unlike in many parts of the world where the day is strictly romantic, many Latin American countries embrace the occasion to celebrate not just love but also friendship.

In countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador, the day is known as "Día del Amor y la Amistad" (Day of Love and Friendship). This inclusive approach to Valentine's Day allows for a broader celebratio­n, including gestures of appreciati­on and kindness among friends and family, alongside traditiona­l romantic expression­s.

Mexico's Amistad Festivitie­s

In Mexico, the day is marked with grand gestures of romance and platonic love. Friends exchange "amigo secreto" gifts in a manner similar to Secret Santa, while lovers share chocolates, %owers, and elaborate gifts. Public spaces are Glled with decoration­s and vendors selling balloons and sweets, turning cities into vibrant displays of red and pink.

Colombian Love and Friendship

Colombia celebrates this heartfelt occasion in September, diverging from the February 14th tradition. The day is a signigcant event for Colombians, emphasizin­g social gatherings, where friends and family participat­e in activities like games and gift exchanges designed to strengthen bonds and show appreciati­on for one another.

Brazilian "Dia dos Namorados"

Brazil offers a twist to Valentine's Day, celebratin­g "Dia dos Namorados" (Lovers' Day) on June 12, on the eve of Saint Anthony's Day, known for blessing couples with matrimonia­l harmony. The date features romantic dinners, concerts, and parties, with lovers exchanging gifts, %owers, and chocolates to honor their partners.

Argentinea­n Week of Sweetness

Argentina extends the celebratio­n of love and friendship beyond a single day, dedicating an entire week in July known as "Semana de la Dulzura" (Week of Sweetness). During this week, people exchange kisses for sweets, symbolizin­g a gesture of love and friendship that goes beyond romantic relationsh­ips.

Cultural Signi cance and Impact

Valentine's Day in Latin America re%ects the region's warm social fabric, where communal values are cherished alongside romantic love. The day's inclusive celebratio­n strengthen­s community ties, fosters friendship­s, and honors love in all its forms. Businesses, too, thrive during this period, with restaurant­s, %orists, and confection­eries experienci­ng a signigcant uptick in sales.

As night falls on February 14th, Latin America's streets, homes, and hearts are Glled with the joyous expression­s of love and friendship, showcasing the region's unique take on Valentine's Day. Through dances, dinners, and heartfelt exchanges, Latin Americans embrace the essence of the day, creating memories that last a lifetime.

In embracing both love and friendship, Latin America's Valentine's Day celebratio­ns highlight the universal nature of love, transcendi­ng romantic connection­s to include the warmth and affection shared among friends and family, making the day a truly inclusive and heartwarmi­ng occasion. (La Semana)

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