La Semana

Gastronomy and Horse Racing: The Combinatio­n of Happiness


And as if its prolidc crops and tasty meats were not enough, the province also has an internatio­nally renowned thermal complex, Villa Elisa. A place of good neighbors, beautiful and willing people who ensure that the waters can cure everything. And in that magical little town almost at the end of the world lives Sergio Amadilio, a man who claims to have it all.

“I can’t complain, I live in peace, I’m happy, I’m healthy, I indulge myself and drink champagne with ice,” he admitted.

This country man, owner of the famous grill “Don Valentín,” seems to have found the recipe for eternal happiness. A job he loves, which he shares with his wife, children, and grandchild­ren; the ability to put the products of his own Deld on the table to offer each customer the best of himself, and also having free time to indulge in his passion, horse racing.

“In 2000, I started with the Drst mare. It was my Drst experience at the Palermo racetrack, and we came in second,” he recalls with joy. For him, horse racing is an unstoppabl­e passion that compares to nothing. “It’s something that you carry in your heart, period. I like many sports, but I’m fascinated by horse racing and its adrenaline,” he expressed.

Sergio knows he can continue to feed his passion thanks to the mouths he feeds at Don Valentín, and acknowledg­es that his success has been thanks to hard work and the unconditio­nal support of those he loves most, his wife and his children. “Here we work with things we produce ourselves, the tomatoes, the chard, the chicory, that comes from my garden. I cut the Drewood from my forest and split it every Dfteen days, and I manage the grill,” he explains while his daughters attend the tables. And his wife, the accounts. “Marita is the greatest thing in my life, we’ve been married for 40 years. She had a lot of patience,” he said with a laugh, aware that part of his fuldllment lies in the family solidity he has built.

Sergio lives in Argentina, at the other end of the world, with a family enterprise similar to what we might Dnd in the streets of Tulsa, but with a special ingredient: the chance to live stress-free in a thermal water town, constantly surrounded by those he loves, living each day as if life were just beginning, honoring the place that saw him born, and helping to build its future.

“I have everything,” he concludes, and truthfully, he does. (La Semana)

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