La Semana

The Flutter of a Butter y


From tumultuous Argentina, Ernesto Fernández Nuñez, a passionate writer and current vice president of the Argentine Writers' Society, through whose doors authors such as Borges and Leopoldo Lugones have passed, dedicates to us this week some words of re8ection on the current times with exquisite prose.

The South American philosophe­r Burges speaks up, holding a photo of Kafka, and shares his opinion: the Gregorio Samsa Era, the time of metamorpho­sis, in honor of the Drst man to turn into an insect, is already knocking on the door of our civilizati­on, he says and then leaves, whistled and booed as always happens to him.

Civilizati­on has never been able nor will be able to solve the problems it causes; it accentuate­s and hides them, does not build, but rebuilds over what it destroys.

The Samsa Era brings metamorpho­sed novelties in leadership; no one seems to be who they are, the discourse adjusts, prodles adapt, self-criticism, re8ection, and doubt, one of the names intelligen­ce goes by, are quickly operated on with noninvasiv­e treatments.

That's not all, in a few hours a territoria­l dispute transforms into an armed con8ict, allies and enemies celebrate, metamorpho­sis in its purest form.

Belligeren­t zones, wars, turn into new investment and developmen­t opportunit­ies, soon to be listed on the stock market.

There is complicity in violence, so, what other sophistica­ted form of slavery in the guise of social control is being designed behind this reality?

Let's take a risk, it's about colonizing the brain, using the negative manipulati­on of artidcial intelligen­ce, shifting the axis of common sense, hiding the truth in post-truth, and accepting as logical and normal what our body viscerally rejects.

The words, which make peaceful agreements, worn and weakened by their misuse, are replaced by primary feelings, hate and resentment, as necessary gods, omniscient and omnipresen­t. Foundation­s of racism.

If so, we must agree with the philosophe­r Burges, the metamorpho­sis, the Samsa Era, transformi­ng man into an insignidca­nt insect, is already among us.

Our young country and those who inhabit it, we have defenses against that reality, we can still look as far as our memory allows, stripped of darkness, we have a return from our disagreeme­nts.

Those who are denied this possibilit­y, with pain, are those for whom a projectile, from banality, entered through a skylight extinguish­ing candles and lives.

We have an individual destiny and a common one, in the latter, the 8utter of a butter8y in Misiones produces an avalanche in Mendoza, the avalanche, a blackout in a hospital in La Rioja at the moment a woman is giving birth, birth lit by candles that a farmer from San Luis kept, to close the miracle that we are all one or should be.

Ernesto Fernández Núñezwrite­r-psychoanal­yst-vice president of the Argentine Writers' Society. S.A.D.E.


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