La Semana

Dos mujeres llevan cadáver de hombre a banco en Ohio para retirar su dinero

2 women drove a man’s body to a bank to withdraw his money, Ohio police say


ASHTABULA, Ohio, EE.UU. (AP) — Dos mujeres de Ohio han sido acusadas de haber llevado el cuerpo de un anciano de 80 años a un banco para retirar dinero de su cuenta y después dejar su cadáver en un hospital.

Karem Casbohm, de 63 años, y Loreen Bea Feralo, de 55, fueron acusadas el martes en Ashtabula de maltrato grave de un cadáver y robo a una persona de clase protegida, según los registros del Tribunal Municipal de Ashtabula.

La policía indicó que se les llamó el lunes por la noche y se les reportó que dos mujeres habían dejado un cadáver en la sala de emergencia­s del Centro Médico del Condado Ashtabula sin identiscar a la persona ni a sí mismas. Unas horas más tarde, una de ellas se puso en contacto con el hospital con informació­n sobre el fallecido, que fue identiScad­o como Douglas Layman, de 80 años, de Ashtabula.

Los agentes acudieron al domicilio de Layman y se pusieron en contacto con Casbohm y Feralo, quienes les dijeron que habían encontrado a Layman sin vida en la casa donde residían los tres. La policía alega que, con la ayuda de una tercera persona no identiscad­a, colocaron a Layman en el asiento delantero de su auto y condujeron hasta un banco, donde retiraron “una cantidad de dinero no revelada” de su cuenta.

El cadáver de Layman “fue colocado en el vehículo de tal manera que fuera visible para el personal del banco con el Sn de hacer el retiro”, asrmó el jefe de la policía de Ashtabula, Robert Stell, en un comunicado de prensa el jueves. Stell dijo al periódico (Ashtabula) Star Beacon que el banco “había permitido esto previament­e siempre y cuando estuvieran acompañada­s por él”.

El teniente Mike Palinkas dijo a la televisora WEWS que una de las mujeres había mantenido una relación de convivenci­a con Layman durante varios años, y la otra llevaba allí unos meses. Las mujeres dijeron que era normal que retiraran dinero de la cuenta, pero Palinkas dijo que no tenía una explicació­n completa de por qué fueron allí ese día.


ASHTABULA, Ohio (AP) — Two Ohio women have been accused of driving the body of a deceased 80-year-old man to a bank to withdraw money from his account before dropping his body off at a hospital.

Karen Casbohm, 63, and Loreen Bea Feralo, 55, were charged Tuesday in Ashtabula with gross abuse of a corpse and theft from a person in a protected class, according to Ashtabula Municipal Court records.

Police said they were called Monday evening and told that two women had dropped off a body at the Ashtabula County Medical Center emergency room without identifyin­g the person or themselves. A few hours later, one of them contacted the hospital with informatio­n on the deceased, who was then identiked as 80-year-old Douglas Layman of Ashtabula.

O*cers responded to Layman’s residence and made contact with Casbohm and Feralo, who told them they had found Layman deceased earlier at the home where all three resided. Police allege that, with the help of a third unnamed person, they placed Layman in the front seat of his car and drove to a bank where they withdrew “an undisclose­d amount of money” from his account.

Layman’s body “was placed in the vehicle in such a manner that he would be visible to bank staff in order to make the withdrawal,” Ashtabula Police Chief Robert Stell said in a news release Thursday. Stell told the (Ashtabula) Star Beacon that the bank ”had allowed this previously as long as they were accompanie­d by him.”

Lt. Mike Palinkas told WEWS-TV that one of the women had been in a live-in relationsh­ip with Layman for several years while the other had been staying there for a few months. The women said it was normal for them to take money from the account, but Palinkas said he didn’t have a full explanatio­n for why they went there that day.

“Allegedly, they wanted to pay some bills but outside of that, there wasn’t a specikc motivation provided,” Palinkas said.

Casbohm was arraigned and ordered held on $5,000 bond while Feralo is scheduled for arraignmen­t next week. It’s unclear whether they have attorneys; numbers listed in their names had been disconnect­ed. A message was sent to the county public defender’s o*ce seeking comment if the o*ce was defending one or both.

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