La Semana

Flavour-predicting AI can tell brewers how to make beer taste beier


An AI model trained on chemical and perceptual data on 250 Belgian beers can predict the avour pro

le of a brew – and how to make it tastier

An arti:cial intelligen­ce that can predict how a beer will taste from its chemical make-up could help create alcohol-free versions that taste just like regular ones.

Predicting $avour from chemical compounds is di!cult, as complex interactio­ns between ingredient­s and the psychology of taste can make for surprising­ly different perception­s, even between people sampling the same thing.

To address this, Kevin Verstrepen at KU Leuven in Belgium and his colleagues have developed an AI model that can predict $avour pro:les based on a beer’s chemical components and make suggestion­s for how to improve the $avour.

The model was trained on beer reviews from a panel of 16 expert tasters, who scored each brew for 50 attributes, as well as 180,000 public ratings from an online beer reviewing website. It compared these subjective descriptio­ns with measuremen­ts of 226 chemical compounds in 250 Belgian beers.

“These hundreds of compounds are received by our nose and mouth, but mostly nose, and then processed in our brain to give what we think of as a $avour,” says Verstrepen. “The fact that now, with machine learning, you can actually accurately predict this is quite amazing.”

Verstrepen and his team used the model to predict how to improve the $avour of a beer by adding a mixture of certain compounds, such as lactic acid and ethyl acetate. The resulting beer was given a signi:cantly higher rating by the panel of trained tasters.

In separate work that has yet to be published, non-alcoholic beers became indistingu­ishable from regular beer after making changes suggested by the model, says Verstrepen.

The idea is that brewers should aim to implement the AI’S recommenda­tions by tweaking their recipes, rather than simply adding $avours, he says. “In beer brewing, it’s not really acceptable to just add pure aroma compounds. It’s just malt, hops, water and yeast that have to do the trick.”

“So, I really see it as a tool. It will be used especially to make better alcohol-free beer, but it’s not taking away the art of making good beer in an artisanal way,” says Verstrepen.

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