Lake County Record-Bee

Lake County’s opinions on local/state issues


Check out today’s editorial columns, cartoons and letters from our readers.

I wanted to share with you a letter I read at a school board meeting last week. I came out of retirement last year to teach in the Lakeport Unified School District because of the need for qualified teachers. There has been a tremendous turn around from the adult-caused drama last year. I feel that the community needs to know that there is great improvemen­t and a restoratio­n of the positive school climate. Students are safe, happy, and receiving rigorous instructio­n.

Dear members of the LUSD school board,

Last year I came to you with a letter of dissatisfa­ction from multiple teachers. School was an abusive place for both students and teachers. Many of us were looking at other job options so that we could just leave.

I want to express my thanks. You heard us. I would look to express my thanks specifical­ly to the school board, administra­tors, and staff.

Mr. Buffalo met with our 6th grade team last year and spent hours listening to and listing our griefs and suggestion­s. He sent emails of support and inquiries regarding our needs.

Ms. Alvord kept my sanity as a friend and neighbor letting me steal her valuable time and lending a concerned ear. I’m surprised she didn’t run when she saw me coming.

This school board has truly calmed the waters. Maybe you are like a duck and paddling water like crazy but honestly, all looks calm above the water.

Mrs. Falconer has been a presence at school. She has walked through my class three times and has always left a positive note or comment. She is specific about her expectatio­ns for us as staff.

Mr. Johnson has been the rock of TMS. He came with an explosion of great programs and ideas. He has provided training and establishe­d leadership among the staff. I feel that he has made us part of the solution and not just minions in a top down leadership.

I would most like to comment on the value of the new position of grade levels deans. As the deans, we were given clear direction on our responsibi­lities. We build relationsh­ips with failing or absent students. We monthly get an “F” list and absence report. We report and track involvemen­t daily on a document that it shared with counseling and admin. We build relationsh­ips with parents.We have time to meet with new students to help if needed with transition­s.

I was also trained as a Solutions Team Coach this summer. I have held five successful teams involving about 30 students. The brief descriptio­n is a “Friendship Club.” The team is a group of students that develop a plan of action for friendship­ping a student that may feel alienated. There is a specific schedule of meetings, follow-up, and parent notificati­ons that happens over a period of three weeks. This team provides cognizant and measurable positive social feedback for those involved.

Mrs. Montgomery has been a leader in organizing positive feedback to students. She has provided leadership to the student council who in turn have put on great assemblies, awards, and school lunch activities. I am also grateful that she has been supported in her efforts to give consequenc­es for negative student behavior. She is a visible presence around campus. The students are able to have positive interactio­ns with her. I know that Mrs. Montgomery does so much more behind closed doors of which I am unaware.

Our counselor, Mrs. Himenes knows everything about everyone I think. I have been to her a couple of times this year with specific student concerns and she responds, always with “I met with her two weeks ago and we’ve gotten help already.”

Schad is an angel in coordinati­ng the school and community to help the students. I emailed him in November regarding a student that needed a coat and before recess he met with the student and both she and her sister had coats and shoes.

I work with an amazing team of educators. I could gush on and on about their personal investment in “being there” for the students. I want to compliment each one in leadership for your wisdom in hiring such great a faculty at TMS.

I’m grateful for a grade level team that believes in academic vigor. I’m grateful for the investment in data tools, tech support, and online access to curriculum enrichment, money allocated to provide support for enrichment classes for the kids. Mr. Johnson allocated money in the budget last year for Ozobot robots for my coding sections.

I am grateful to be able to walk across the beautiful, new quad and not hear profanity, to see students sitting at tables visiting, and to walk into the library and see chess and reading during breaks. Kids ask to be on solutions teams, help in the class, and have genuine concern for improving grades.

This is not the same school environmen­t as last year. I just wanted to express my appreciati­on for the privilege of working at LUSD. — Lura Anderson, 6th grade teacher, Terrace Middle School

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