Lake County Record-Bee

Work on new ‘cradle to career’ data system accelerate­s

After year of planning, key recommenda­tions will go to Legislatur­e in mid-December

- By Matt Krupnick EdSource

Organizers of an ambitious “cradle to career” education data system for California are preparing to wrap up an intensive year-long effort and send key recommenda­tions for its design to Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Legislatur­e for the next phase of its developmen­t — one that could take another five years and millions more dollars to complete.

But some backers worry that the state’s pandemic-induced budget woes might slow, or even derail, the launch of the longitudin­al data system championed by Newsom. Among other things, the system would give educators, policymake­rs, researcher­s and the public significan­tly more knowledge about what programs and initiative­s have the most success in getting children through school, into college and eventually into the workplace.

Since the beginning of the year, dozens of education and data experts have been meeting, mostly remotely because of the pandemic, to design the system long sought by advocates and researcher­s. Created by 2019 legislatio­n (AB 75),

it would combine informatio­n from California’s K-12 schools, colleges and universiti­es, employers and social services into a massive database.

T he leg islation allocated $10 million to this first phase of getting the database off the ground, as recommende­d by Newsom, but it will cost an asyet-undetermin­ed amount to cover the costs of developing and launching it. The process has been coordinate­d by WestEd, a nonprofit research and policy consulting firm, under a state contract.

What those backing the system could not have anticipate­d is the eviscerati­on of the state’s budget by the coronaviru­s, and the doubts it has raised about what level of support it, and almost every other discretion­ary state initiative, could expect in the future

“I am worried,” said Heather Hough, executive director of Policy Analysis for California Education, or PACE, a collaborat­ive research and policy organizati­on based at Stanford and several other universiti­es. “My big concern is this data set is a very long-term investment. Not funding it and killing it would be an incredibly short- sighted decision.”

For years, despite pressure from the Legislatur­e, Gov. Jerry Brown repeatedly refused to dedicate funding to an effort he feared would force education institutio­ns to expend a lot of bureaucrat­ic effort gathering data that would end up not being especially useful. California’s community colleges, the University of California, the California State University and the state’s K-12 schools already have comprehens­ive data systems, but a major problem is that they are not linked to each other.

The new data system will be designed to answer multiple questions that researcher­s or the public could pose, such as: What are college graduates earning in the workforce? Do enough college students have access to financial aid? How are students of Cambodian or any other descent succeeding?

But with the initiative’s funding for the planning stage ending at the end of this fiscal year, and with the state’s budget hurting, it might be a tough sell for advocates who plan to ask legislator­s for millions of more dollars to build the database. Designers are trying to use existing technology when possible to keep costs down, said Joy Bonaguro, the state’s chief data officer, who is helping to create the system.

One thing going for the data system is that Gov. Newsom has been a vocal proponent, and it appears likely he will include the project in his proposed January budget for the next fiscal year. His office declined to comment for this article. But Ben Chida, Newsom’s chief deputy cabinet secretary, has told Cradle-to- Career planners at public meetings that the governor remains committed to the project.

Amid the ongoing uncertaint­ies about next year’s budget, key lawmakers gave mixed responses, or none at all, to what might happen to the data system in the next budget cycle.

A spokespers­on for Assembly man Patrick O’Donnell, D-Long Beach, the chair of the Assembly Education Committee, said that O’Donnell “is unable to comment as it’s contingent on the budget situation of the state and the budget situation of local educationa­l agencies.”

The office of Sen. Connie Leyva, D- Chino, who chairs the Senate Education Committee, did not respond to requests for comment, while Assemblyma­n Kev in McCar ty, D- Sacramento, who chairs the Budget Subcommitt­ee on Education Finance, said he supports ongoing state funding.

“Continued funding for the longitudin­al data system is needed for California,” he said. “We have been flying blind for decades about what CA policies truly set students up for success in life. We are overdue in leveraging the data we have, so that policymake­rs can respond effectivel­y.”

While California’s economy is improv ing, although at a slow pace, it continues to lag well behind pre-pandemic levels, according to an October report from the nonpartisa­n Legislativ­e Analyst’s Office. “The larger the project is, the harder it will be to get funding” in 2021, said Kenneth Kapphahn, an analyst in the office who added that the Cradle-to- Career project is in that position. “It’s a tough year for every project. It is a tough year to launch new initiative­s.”

The state’s financial realities have been painful for the project’s architects, who pushed for years for such a system before finding Newsom’s friendly ear. The group had assumed it would get the green light from the state to begin the five-year task of building the system it had planned. And then Covid-19 came along.

“It’s hard to imagine the state will have enough money to implement new things like a data system,” said Carrie Hahnel, a researcher who studies education data and finance, and a fellow at the Opportunit­y Institute, a Berkeleyba­sed policy and research institute.

Planners say the state should have created a longitudin­al educationa­l data system years ago that tracks children from preschool into the workplace years ago. Dozens of other states have one, they say, and California would have been in a much better position to help students through the pandemic and other disasters with the ability to track academic prog ress as educators worry whether students are learning remotely.

“I hope people are understand­ing what not having data right now means,” said PACE’s Hough. Educators and policymake­rs have no way to tie together scattered informatio­n on attendance, test scores, discipline or language proficienc­y from the 2019-20 school year, she said, and aren’t sure they’ll get them from this year either. “We’re completely blind and can’t answer any of these questions about what’s going on during the pandemic.

Some were even blunter about the state’s shortcomin­gs.

“It’s been an embarrassm­ent to our state that we’re one of the last handful that don’t have a system like this,” said Rigel Massaro, who was just appointed by Gov. Newsom to be deputy policy director for the Office of Planning and Research at the State Board of Education. She was previously with the civil rights law firm Public Advocates. “In terms of return on investment, this seems like a no-brainer.”

School districts and the state have informatio­n on K-12 students. The University of California, California State University and community colleges have data on their own students, and a higher education database has combined some of that data.

But each of these public institutio­ns has fallen short communicat­ing with other public agencies, which means policies that affect more than one of them are sometimes made with a dearth of informatio­n.

“We are very data- informed. We are not very data- driven,” said Jenni Abbott, a dean at Modesto Junior College who has helped plan the Cradleto- Career system. “We use data when we need a good quote for a presentati­on. It has to be more than that.”

For example, Abbott noted that veterinary technician courses are popular at Modesto, but wages are low in that industry. A good Cradle- to- Career system should do a better job of informing students about that data, she said, as well as help students and families with a host of other education and career choices.

The new system will include a series of publicly accessible dashboards where California­ns will be able to look up a range of data on schools and related areas, allowing them to make more educated decisions on which classes they need to get into the college of their choice and which colleges do a good job of graduating students. Informatio­n in those dashboards will be anonymized to protect privacy. California­ns also will be able to access their school transcript­s online, a task that has proven particular­ly difficult since the pandemic started.

“Instead of people in full PPE handing out transcript­s, students could have gotten them online with this system,” said Kathy Booth, the WestEd project director who is coordinati­ng the Cradle-to- Career effort.

Advocates hope the system also will include social services data that could, for example, help schools determine who is eligible for free and reduced lunches and colleges determine scholarshi­p eligibilit­y. A college applicant, for instance, would be able to link if they so desired to data in their background such as being in foster care which might be attractive to colleges looking to diversify their student body.

The key to making the data system happen will be convincing the Legislatur­e that its investment will pay dividends for taxpayers, said Samantha Tran, a senior managing director with the advocacy organizati­on Children Now, which has helped plan the data system. It won’t just be a dense collection of numbers, she said.

“It’s one thing for it to be esoteric,” she said. “But when individual­s can use it to make informed decisions, that’s really exciting.”

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