Lake County Record-Bee

Waning sex life not necessaril­y the norm

- Amy Dickinson

DEAR AMY >> My husband and I have been married for 29 years. We’re both in our early 60s. Our relationsh­ip is caring and loving, but we no longer have sex. It’s been nearly a year since the last time, and nearly another year since the time before that. When we were younger, our sex life was passionate and robust. But it tapered off over time. We don’t talk about this.

Once in a while I’ll suggest that we think about “doing it” more often, and he seems agreeable, but it doesn’t happen unless I initiate. And even then, it’s pretty, um, rudimentar­y. I don’t think this bothers him. We get along well and are very comfortabl­e with each other. We’re way past the point of being wildly attracted to each other. I’ll admit that I’ve let inertia take over, but it bothers me to think I’ll likely not have sex again, and that we’ve just let it go.

I’d like things to be different. I worry about what our relationsh­ip will turn into if I lose that special intimacy with him forever.

Do most long-married couples just stop having sex? What is the “norm?” Is it up to me to turn things around?

— Sexless at 60

DEAR SEXLESS >> Applying a “norm” to anyone’s sex life might not be appropriat­e, because popular ideas about what is “normal” tend to box people into a specific construct. In short, if your current sexless state was working for you and your husband (if you were both happy and felt fulfilled), then the norm — whatever that is — wouldn’t matter.

I highly recommend reading Ph.D. researcher Emily Nagoski’s groundbrea­king book: “Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life,” (2015, Simon & Schuster), which starts with this line: “Yes, you ARE normal!”

I will say this: Your sexless status doesn’t seem to be particular­ly unusual, and you are definitely not alone.

You don’t need to accept your current situation as a necessary aspect of your age and stage of life. The first step toward change — and intimacy — is to talk about it.

Say to your beloved: “This is a tough thing for me to talk about, but I’d like to discuss our sex life. Can we set aside time tomorrow night to start the conversati­on?

No one is at fault. No one is to blame. And — with a willing partner — you can turn things around.

DEAR AMY >> “Wanting to Want” wasn’t particular­ly eager to “partner up.”

I was in her/his shoes at one point. I had a satisfying life as a singleton.

Suddenly, everyone was getting married, having babies, etc., and I felt like an outcast. I wondered what was “wrong” with me.

It took a while, but finally I decided to stop wanting and just start enjoying.

Low and behold, the next person I dated, turned out to be my spouse going on 30 years. Sometimes when you stop looking, the apple falls into your lap.

— Happy

DEAR HAPPY >> And if the apple doesn’t fall into your lap, you still get to live a satisfying life.

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