Lake County Record-Bee

Momentum to offer more in-person public school instructio­n in state comes to a halt

- Ey Louis Sreedberg and Alexander Montero EdSource

With the coronaviru­s out of control in California, and the health system reaching a breaking point, momentum toward opening more public schools for in-person instructio­n has largely come to a halt.

Some districts already offering in-person instructio­n are returning to distance learning, if only temporaril­y, as school leaders try to get through the holiday season and weather the full force of the pandemic’s spread.

That’s according to an EdSource survey of the state’s 58 county offices of education conducted between Dec. 7 and Dec. 16. At the time, almost all counties in the state had moved onto the Tier One “purple” list, effectivel­y prohibitin­g schools not already offering in-person instructio­n from doing so.

At the end of October, when EdSource conducted a similar survey, schools were reopening for face-to-face instructio­n at an accelerati­ng pace, although the vast majority of students in California were still learning through online instructio­n.

Now, even more students are learning via online instructio­n than in October, with no clear pathway as to when they will be able to return to school. That is happening even though education leaders, including State Superinten­dent of Public Instructio­n Tony Thurmond, continue to worry that the distance learning regimen is contributi­ng to significan­t learning loss, especially among the state’s most vulnerable students.

The EdSource survey sought informatio­n on districts offering instructio­n to students attending regular classes, not special education classes, learning labs or support centers. It did not attempt to tally the extent to which districts are offering face-to-face instructio­n to small groups of students with special needs, such as those in special education, English learners, and homeless or foster children. Those figures are generally just not available.

Other findings of the EdSource’s survey, which involved a questionna­ire sent to all county offices of education, supplement­ed by telephone interviews and online research, include the following:

• All or most school districts in 22 counties, with public school enrollment­s of just over 3.7 million students, are offering instructio­n in mostly distance learning mode. That compares to the 17 counties at the end of October in that category.

• In 19 counties, with enrollment­s of 476,000, all or most school districts are offering some form of inperson instructio­n to some students, down from 21 counties in October. That’s down from the 21 counties in this category in October, with enrollment­s totaling 737,000 students.

• In the remaining 17 counties, serving about 1.8 mil

lion public school students, instructio­n varies considerab­ly, with some districts offering all or most instructio­n via distance learning, and some offering some form of in-person instructio­n.

• Only one school district — San Bernardino City Unified — has announced that students will study via distance learning through the end of the school year. However, several districts planning to open in January have pushed back the date when they hope to begin to offer in-person instructio­n for regular classes. Long Beach Unified officials, for example, say students will stay in distance learning mode at least until March 1, instead of its earlier tentative back-to-school date of Jan. 28 for some students. Further south near the Mexican border, South Bay Union School District officials say it will open for hybrid instructio­n to April 5, after students return from spring break.

Long Beach Unified officials, for example, say students will stay in distance learning mode at least until March 1, instead of its earlier tentative back-to-school date of Jan. 28 for some students. Further south near the Mexican border, South Bay Union School District officials say it will open for hybrid instructio­n to April 5, after students return from spring break.

In San Francisco Unified, the district had announced it would open on Jan. 28 in some schools for in-person instructio­n. But negotiatio­ns with its teachers’ union have broken down, and the district now doesn’t have a date for when it might offer in-person instructio­n.

Even districts trying to move forward with in-person instructio­n are having to cope with divisions on the issue within their own communitie­s — notably in San Dieguito Union High School District in San Diego County — with some parents and students pushing to reopen, and others vehemently opposed.

Running through all the conflicts has been opposition from many teachers and their unions who have been insisting on greater safety precaution­s than many districts are currently able or willing to implement. In the San Dieguito district, the California Teachers Associatio­n has even filed suit against the district to block its reopening plans, which the union alleges violate state regulation­s.

In many counties, private schools are generally offering in-person instructio­n

while public schools are not, fueling concerns that the pandemic will further widen achievemen­t gaps, especially among Black, Latino and other student population­s that lag on average test scores. That is dramatical­ly illustrate­d in Alameda County, one of the few to publish lists of both public and private schools that are open for in-person instructio­n. In the huge county, 81 private and parochial schools are listed as open for in-person instructio­n, compared to only one public school district, the affluent Piedmont Unified.

Following recommenda­tions of advisory panels in California and nationally, teachers and other school employees will likely be among those next in line to receive vaccines, after emergency health workers and long-term care residents. But this prospect has yet to have any noticeable impact on districts’ plans for opening or closing schools, because the recommenda­tions have not been formalized and translated into policies, and there are still many unknowns regarding distributi­on of the vaccines.

Getting a full picture of what is happening in schools across the state is extremely difficult. Only a handful of California’s 58 counties provide detailed informatio­n about each school in their counties. Humboldt County, Madera County and San Diego County have collected that informatio­n — showing that it is possible to do so.

Nor is the state tracking which schools are offer inperson support and instructio­n to small groups of 14 or fewer students with special needs, which they are allowed to do even if their counties are in the “purple” tier, based on guidance issued early in the pandemic.

Even in districts with all or most districts offering inperson instructio­n, not all students have returned to campus. That’s because in every district some parents have opted for their children to continue to study remotely. In many cases districts are only offering in- person instructio­n in the elementary and middle school grades. Research shows that high school students are more likely to be carriers of the virus and more susceptibl­e to developing more serious symptoms; it is also difficult if not impossible to keep them in a single group and in the same classrooms during the school day.

For now, distance learning remains the primary mode of instructio­n for the majority of students in the state, even in counties like

San Diego where many districts are offering in-person instructio­n. Of the 982 public and private schools in the county 385,000 students are learning via distance learning, according to the San Diego County Office of Education. That includes San Diego Unified, the district with the largest number of students in the county. An additional 97,000 are receiving instructio­n in a mix of in-person and online instructio­n known as “hybrid” learning. Some 28,000 are learning full-time on school campuses.

Complicati­ng the entire planning process for opening schools is that it is impossible to predict the course of the pandemic over the next month or two. Currently the crisis is only getting worse. In fact, at his briefing this week, it is likely the state will extend

current stay-at-home orders due to expire at the end of December in all or most regions of the state, according to Dr. Mark Ghaly, the secretary of California Health and Human Services. That is likely to raise anxieties among school administra­tors and others in school communitie­s as they grapple with whether and when to reopen.

Los Angeles Unified, with 1 in 10 of the state’s public school students, announced months ago that it would not open for in-person instructio­n unless it could implement a rigorous testing regimen, and other health safeguards. It still remains closed for in-person instructio­n. Since the county went into the purple tier, the district even sent home about 4,000 students with special needs that it was serving in tutoring and other programs.

This week Superinten­dent Austin Beutner affirmed that schools would not open after the winter break on Jan.11. “We’ll remain in online- only mode until community health conditions improve significan­tly,” he said.

In what he described as an “alarming” finding — and one with implicatio­ns for other districts — he disclosed that 5 percent of adults and 10 percent of children who came to district Covid testing centers and who showed no symptoms, had tested positive for the virus.

“Think about that,” he said. “One in 10 children being tested at schools show no symptoms but have the virus. It’s clear we’re a long way from reopening schools with the level of virus this high.”

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