Lake County Record-Bee

Lake County Hunger Task Force disbands

Life and death of a non-profit in Lake County

- Submitted

After 19 years of operation, the Lake County Hunger Task Force is disbanding.

The Organizati­on’s leaders stated that the primary reason is lack of volunteers. The task force was formed in 2001, after recommenda­tions made following a hunger study conducted in Lake and Mendocino counties. The first meeting was held at the courthouse in Lakeport. There were 45 people in attendance.

That evolved into monthly meetings held at various venues. Committees were formed. A mission statement and goal were decided. Attendance slipped to about 20 people, as talking was the only activity. In 2001 the garden committee was created and planted the first community garden at the former homeless shelter in Clearlake. This was accomplish­ed on Make-A-Difference Day.

Membership slipped and only the garden committee survived. Task force leadership said the organizati­on was led capably for many years by Pete Johnson, then leader for Habitat for Humanity in Lake County who dedicated many years to the organizati­on.

Another project was a food drive, with the food given to pantries around the lake. From that year on until 2019, the task force participat­ed in the nationwide Make-A-Difference Day, which was accomplish­ed with the help of volunteers from AmeriCorps, Kelseyvill­e High School Interact students, K- Corps, and others from various organizati­ons. The food drive morphed into the Stuff-A-Bus event at the urging and cooperatio­n of Lake County Transit. Thanks are extended to Lake Transit, Clearlake Grocery Outlet, Lakeport Grocery Outlet, and all who contribute­d items. From 2000 until 2019, the organizati­on collected and distribute­d 73,588 pounds of non-perishable food.

In 2002 the task force held a food summit that gathered all groups that had pantries and food programs. Another was held about four years later. The group hoped to coordinate informatio­n and schedules for the county, which proved to be only partially successful, according to the task force.

From 2002 until 2019, the task force conducted canning lessons once a year. It was able to help 236 families and individual­s learn the skills necessary to home-can, and provided them with a canner, jars, books, and a jar lifter to take home. These lessons were all hands- on, giving them experience and confidence to do this on their own. The task force leaders said they are eternally grateful to the Kelseyvill­e Presbyteri­an Church for the loan of its wonderful commercial kitchen. Until the task force was awarded a grant from the Lake County Wine Alliance in 2003, for $9,600, it relied on donations alone. The task force applied for, and received an additional $2,500 in 2009, for which it will always give kudos. The Wine Alliance also donated $2,500 in 2019 to the Lake County Holiday Fund.

In 2006, and again in 2012 hunger surveys were conducted, which were compiled into booklets and disseminat­ed throughout the county. The social work students from Pacific Union College conducted most of the surveys and additional ones were done at food pantries and extended into the un-housed population. The task force extends gratitude to Fiona Bullock, who led the students in the surveys and provided the compilatio­n and conclusion­s.

Without close alliance with North Coast Opportunit­ies, including warehouse space, the task force would not have been able to conduct many activities. The leader in Lake County, Tammy Alakszay, was a member of the task force since 2002. She originally came onboard as an employee of the Lake County Office of Education, working with the AmeriCorps volunteers. The task force participat­ed in Hunger Action Day in Sacramento, tabled at the farmers market, talked with groups around the county, helped with school gardens, maintained and disseminat­ed a food resource list, and helped feed people via other groups. The most successful endeavor was the gardens.

Landowners donated land and water for gardens. The longest surviving garden was at Yoxagoi Farms, with Maile Field and Lars Crail supporting efforts. Bernie Butcher allowed use the Old Feed Mill property in Upper Lake, which is still operating, and will be maintained by the Upper Lake High School FFA and 4-H students, led by Erica Boomer. From 2010 until 2020, gardens produced 68,584 pounds of produce.

Task Force leaders added that without the mentorship and guidance of Sky Hoyt the organizati­on could not have accomplish­ed all it did. Hoyt taught what grew best in Lake County and helped to achieve a highrate of production. He invented the waist-high table-top growing system incorporat­ed in the gardens. The group gleaned produce at his farm. He donated excess to food pantries.

The loan of a greenhouse came from the Lake County Office of Education, where all of the plants started from seed. The money to buy all of the plant starts needed would have been impossible to sustain, so the greenhouse was integral to garden projects. One garden alone had 98 tomato plants.

The task force gleaned pears, walnuts and red flame seedless grapes through the generosity of Maile Field, Dan Goff, Nellie Dorn and Diane Henderson.

Beginning in 2010 there was the holiday box program, run by Lou Denny of the Lake County Community Action Agency. The role was taken over by North Coast Opportunit­ies, Community Action. The boxes of food were provided by funds donated from citizens to a fund started by the Lake County Record-Bee.

As a final act, per bylaws, all remaining funds were distribute­d to 14 other non-profit organizati­ons, to be used for food only.

According to the task force, it is with heavy hearts saying goodbye. There are fewer people with the time or inclinatio­n to volunteer. People need to eat daily, not just during holiday seasons and other groups that are having the same problem, from churches to fraternal organizati­ons to food pantries. Volunteers are aging out.

 ?? COURTESY ?? Members of NCO during a food drive in June, 2016.
COURTESY Members of NCO during a food drive in June, 2016.

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