Lake County Record-Bee

New vaccine strategy exposes big challenges


Six million California­ns 65 and older are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine — a major shift in strategy that could help accelerate the Golden State’s sluggish vaccine rollout even as some counties say they’re unprepared to handle increased demand.

Gov. Gavin Newsom and state health officials announced the new policy Wednesday, a day after the federal government instructed states to make doses available to people 65 and older and to those under 65 with preexistin­g conditions. For unknown reasons, California’s new guidelines don’t include the latter group, CalMatters’ Ana Ibarra reports.

The expanded eligibilit­y could help Newsom meet his goal of inoculatin­g 1 million additional California­ns by this weekend. But he has a ways to go: As of Tuesday, the state had administer­ed only 889,000 of its nearly 3 million doses, or 31% — one of the lowest rates in the nation. In a sign that frustratio­ns are rising, a bipartisan group of 47 lawmakers sent Newsom a letter Wednesday demanding “a more effective and efficient roll out of these vaccines.”

Meanwhile, not every county or health care provider is ready to begin vaccinatin­g seniors. Los Angeles County still doesn’t have enough vaccine to finish inoculatin­g health care workers. Santa Clara County is focusing on immunizing people 75 and older because it doesn’t have enough vaccine for people in the 6574 age group. Some health systems, such as Sutter Health, are also prioritizi­ng those over age 75. Tech infrastruc­ture is also strained: Several county websites crashed Wednesday as people rushed to make appointmen­ts.

• Ket DeBurgh of the Heelth Officers Associatio­n of California: “expending the list of who is eligible for the Vaccine does not get us more doses. It does not get us more Vaccinator­s, or any of the other resources we need to effectivel­y run our operations.”

Newsom said Wednesday he would unveil next week “a new system” to notify California­ns by email or text when they’re eligible for the vaccine. He added that a second phase of the system would help cities and counties run and coordinate “mass vaccinatio­n events.” The state’s current vaccine distributi­on system has been plagued with technical problems that have exacerbate­d the slow rollout.

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