Lake County Record-Bee

Young nephew's behavior causes concern

- Amy Dickinson

DEAR AMY >> I'm a clueless aunt looking for some advice.

My little nephew (age 4 1/2) is very smart, but seems dysregulat­ed quite often.

He often runs around in small circles for about 10 minutes screaming, and can only focus for very short amounts of times, avoids eye contact, and often does not respond when spoken to directly.

We recently had a situation where his older sister (age 6) built a fort out of blankets when she wanted/needed some quiet time, and she was very happy while building it.

The little one then, of course, “wanted in” on the fort, did not want to build his own, but then stepped over the boundaries he'd promised to keep just one minute earlier.

He didn't seem to remember what he had just promised, which of course then made his sister upset, so that, after much back and forth, she ended up crying, too.

He then threw a fit, as he often does.

I cannot talk to his parents about the possible need for therapeuti­c help, as they don't want to address this, and everyone is just helpless.

His mother has a lot of issues and feels like she is under a lot of stress, but she is also not open to doing therapy, or any other kind of selfcare, other than stress-eating.

I apologize if this sounds so uninformed, and I am grateful for any advice or input.

— Clueless Aunt

DEAR AUNT >> I am not qualified to diagnose any particular issue with your nephew, although some of what you describe would be familiar to a person on the autism spectrum.

Your nephew's behavior could also be explained by many other factors and dynamics in his household, including his diet, sleep schedule, as well as the inconsiste­nt direction he might be receiving by a stressed and tired parent.

If your nephew is 4 1/2, I'm assuming that he has not had any consistent inperson schooling yet. The pandemic has interrupte­d so many childhoods, and this little guy's life could be transforme­d by regular contact with other children his age, as well as skilled teachers who would help to guide him — and his parents.

Most of us learn by trial and error, and your nephew might be exiting a stage where tantrums “worked” for him. Early childhood education is vital in guiding children toward pro-social behavior.

You could help by taking him to the playground for lots of fresh air and exercise, introducin­g him to the wonderful world of bugs, dinosaurs, and building things with blocks and LEGOS. You would learn more about him by spending one-onone time with him, listening to him, reading together, and encouragin­g him to explore in his own way, without too much judgment or correction from you (unless he is hurting himself or another child).

Your concern and willingnes­s to stand up for this child is commendabl­e. Your dig at this mother for her own lack of self-care is not.

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