Lake County Record-Bee

Farrington double downs on deception and misinforma­tion


During the first few months of Anthony Farrington's campaign for District Attorney, he made many deceptive and untrue claims trying to get himself elected for a job for which he has no experience or qualificat­ions. He claimed to be a “prosecutor” and to have “prosecuted” cases when he has never been a prosecutor and has never prosecuted a case. He made claims about the DA's Office and Susan Krones which were false or deceptive.

The election is less than two weeks away and he has now doubled down on the deception and misleading claims in his political mailers to voters. In one mailer he posts a photo of himself shaking hands with Kamala Harris, hoping voters will be impressed and think he must be someone important and a good candidate for District Attorney.

The photo with Harris does not make him a good candidate for D.A. Even after shaking her hand, he still has no training, experience, or skills as a prosecutor or manager of a D.A.'s office. But that is what politician­s do. Show a photo of themself with someone the voters recognize to try to get votes. The fact he shook hands with her does not make him a better attorney or magically give him any experience needed for the D.A.'s job. I have a photo of myself with Guy Fieri, but that didn't make me a good cook.

Farrington also sent out a political hit piece to voters briefly highlighti­ng three criminal cases District Attorney Susan Krones was involved with, that he is hoping will deceive voters and convince them not vote for Susan. That is what a good politician would do.

Farrington was not involved in any of these cases, and because of his inexperien­ce and lack of knowledge about criminal cases, he does not understand the many different sentencing factors the Probation Department, District Attorney, and Judges need to consider when sentencing someone.

But in true political fashion, he wants voters to think these three cases are typical examples of cases handled by Susan.

What Farrington does not want voters to know and does not tell voters is that Susan has been involved in the prosecutio­n of literally thousands of criminal cases in her 29 years as a prosecutor. She has been involved in sending hundreds of criminals to prison, and thousands to jail.

Farrington also implies that Susan bears some responsibi­lity for crime in our community. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The increase in crime we have seen in the last decade has been caused primarily or solely by one thing, our criminal laws and sentencing laws being gutted.

The four most important qualities needed to be a good District Attorney are honesty, integrity, experience, and a proven commitment to protecting our community. Susan is the only one of the two candidates possessing all of those qualities.

— Richard F. Hinchcliff — Lake County Chief Deputy District Attorney, Lakeport

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