Lake County Record-Bee

Warm weather cools off bass bite

Most fishermen staying off lake in the middle of the day


The warm weather has slowed the fishing at Clear Lake. Actually, it has kept the fishermen off the lake except for early mornings or just before dark. The success rate varies from angler to angler. Some fishermen report catching from five to 12 bass a day while others are struggling to put two or three in the boat. The more successful fishermen have been finding bass on their spawning beds and teasing them into biting.

Overall the water clarity on

Clear Lake is improving and in many areas you can see the bottom clearly. The county Water Resources Department has hired a firm to do spraying to control the weeds, which are thick all around the lake. There are no major bass tournament­s scheduled this weekend but there are a couple of club tournament­s. The lake is finally getting a rest from the fishing pressure.


Along with the bass, catfish and crappie are also being caught. The crappie have been holding in 6-10 feet of water and the successful anglers are using crappie jigs fished beneath a bobber. Catfish are being caught at just about every location around the lake, including off the docks by shore anglers.

Falling lake

The lake level continues to drop. As of Thursday morning the lake level was a minus-.29 feet on the Rumsey Gauge. The good news is the public ramps are still usable and boats can be launched as long as care is used.

Wild pigs

Recently there have been a number of wild pig sightings around the county, including in the backyards of several Lakeport

residents. One local resident told me he had a wild boar look through his patio window last week. He has been putting out water in basins for the birds and other small wild animals. The basins are completely dry by the end of the day. In addition to the pigs, he said that at least five deer have been showing up daily for the water.

Water outlook

Normally at this time there is water in the canyons, but this year the creeks are dry and absent of foliage. Dwindling water sources and lower plant growth can reduce insect population, especially mosquitoes. While humans may not mind fewer insects, animals such as bats need to eat insects to build fat reserves for migration and hibernatio­n.

While we all want to help the wild animals, it is against the law to put out feed for many species. For example, bears will eat just about anything and that includes garbage, dog and cat food and just about anything else that is digestible. Other wild animals that can become pests are racoons, possums, foxes and skunks. Possums and skunks are commonly seen in many of the rural areas in Lake County. In fact, raccoons often find a way into house. A few years ago a woman called me because she would get up in the morning, walk into her living room only to find three raccoons sleeping on her rug. She

found out that they had learned how to open the screen door to gain access. She changed the lock on the door and that solved the problem.

A severe drought can also cause early deaths among wild animals. For example, a fawn that doesn't have water will become weak and easy prey for a predator

such as a bear or coyote.

It's hard emotionall­y to ignore a starving animal, especially if it's a young one such as a fawn, however wildlife biologists say it's the worst thing you can do. The wild animal has to learn to take care itself so that it does not become dependent on you.

Hopefully this drought will pass and we will have a wet winter that replenishe­s our streams and lakes.

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