Lake County Record-Bee

A loving mom wonders why her son is still single


DEAR AMY >> Our 30-yearold son, “Thomas,” has a great job, is well-adjusted, and has many friends.

Thomas is outgoing and goes out with groups of friends, some of whom are married.

He is not dating anyone and hasn't “dated” (that we know of) since high school (i.e. going to proms, dances, etc.).

Thomas and I have a close relationsh­ip and talk about most any topic, except his lack of dating or of having a special someone in his life.

I want to ask him why he doesn't date, but I don't want to put him on the spot in case that is not something he wants to talk about with his mother.

My husband is not a very good communicat­or and I think if he asked our son this question, it would be a very awkward conversati­on for both of them.

My husband and I joke to him that we need some grandchild­ren soon (he is our only child) and we all laugh it off without any real responses.

If Thomas is happy not being in a relationsh­ip or dating, that is fine, as he seems very happy with everything else in life.

It seems odd to me that he and I can talk about most other things, and yet I never bring this topic up to him.

We did superficia­lly discuss dating when he was in high school, but nothing since.

Should I bring this topic up to him (and how should I phrase it), or should I let our overall good relationsh­ip continue the way it is?

— Curious Mother

DEAR CURIOUS >> You say that if your son “Thomas” is happy and well-adjusted without having a “special someone” in his life, you'd be fine with that.

According to you, he is happy and well-adjusted.

And now it is time for you to be fine with that.

Bugging your son to provide you with grandchild­ren is obnoxious.

It's also not funny, even though he graciously laughs it off.

The possibilit­ies here are:

He is gay and choosing to keep this from you.

He is dating lots of people (women, men, or both), but not telling you about it because he fears you'll start advocating for marriage and grandchild­ren.

He's asexual and/or not at all interested in partnering up, and is moving through this stage of his life happily on his own.

Or he's out there looking, but he doesn't want to discuss it with his parents because he is a grown man and has lots of other people to discuss his romantic life with.

I think the way to open up this topic (and also lay it to rest) would be for you to say to him, “I'm sorry for those times we've bugged you about having grandchild­ren. I hope that hasn't made you too uncomforta­ble. I also hope that if you ever have a `special someone' in your life, you'll let us know.”

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