Lake County Record-Bee

Lack of informatio­n frustrates estate administra­tion

- By Dennis Fordham

In addition to signing all necessary estate planning documents to put one's affairs in order, it is necessary to consider what additional informatio­n will be needed by the persons carrying out the estate plan when the time comes.

First, it is necessary for the individual named to carry out the estate plan to know that there are estate planning documents in place, where those documents are kept, and how to gain access to them. Without such basic knowledge the family of an incapacita­ted or deceased person will not even know on what path to proceed.

For example, take the son of an incapacita­ted mother who did not know that she had transferre­d her financial assets to a living trust and did not know where her trust document was kept. Thus, he did not know that such planning was in place and proceeded with a court conservato­rship proceeding in order to gain control over the mother's assets to pay for her care.

The conservato­rship was unnecessar­y under the circumstan­ces, but the son did not know this. Eventually, the son contacted an attorney and the mother's estate planning documents were located. The takeaway is to tell the appropriat­e person(s) that you have estate planning documents and where they are kept.

Second, estate planning may include designatin­g death beneficiar­ies to bank, brokerage and life insurance assets. This work typically does not involve the estate planning attorney as the beneficiar­y forms are provided by the financial institutio­n to the customer to complete.

The disconnect between the estate plan prepared by the attorney and the death beneficiar­y forms prepared by the client/ customer means that the estate planning binder oftentimes does not disclose the identities of the account(s) and the death beneficiar­ies.

It is wise, therefore, to keep copies of the designated death beneficiar­y forms inside the estate planning binder (or other compilatio­n of estate planning documents) so that the person administer­ing the estate knows about such non-trust assets and knows the identities of the death beneficiar­ies. These beneficiar­ies will then be told to contact the financial institutio­n to request the beneficiar­y claims package.

For example, take the decedent who has his affairs in order except that the successor trustee discovers a retirement plan account and cannot ascertain who is the death beneficiar­y. Is the beneficiar­y the decedent's trust, an individual beneficiar­y or is it a charitable beneficiar­y? Unfortunat­ely, banks and brokerages will only provide account informatio­n about a decedent to a court appointed personal representa­tive; this means opening a probate proceeding.

The successor trustee managing the decedent's trust may try various hit or miss attempts at guessing who might be the designated beneficiar­y and having such person(s) contact the bank or brokerage to make a claim as the death beneficiar­y. Alternativ­ely, the situation may end up only be resolved by opening a probate that is otherwise unnecessar­y as death beneficiar­ies were named and so normally avoids probate.

Third, some valuable or sentimenta­l assets may be stored in undisclose­d (hidden) locations. Unless the person administer­ing the estate knows where and how to access such valuables, it is possible that such assets will be lost due to want of knowing where they are.

For example, consider the parent who hides valuable gold bars for their protection. The parent dies unexpected­ly before telling his child where the gold bars are located. Such unfortunat­e results may occur if someone takes it for granted that they will get to disclose such informatio­n prior to death but are not yet ready to do so presently. That approach is risky business.

In sum, consider what is important. Practical informatio­n about one's estate planning and assets needs to be provided in advance to the person who will be administer­ing the estate. This increases the likelihood of a successful administra­tion down the road.

The foregoing brief discussion is not legal advice. Consult a qualified estate planning attorney for guidance. Dennis A. Fordham, attorney, is a State BarCertifi­ed Specialist in estate planning, probate and trust law. His office is at 870 S. Main St., Lakeport, Calif. He can be reached at Dennis@ DennisFord­ and 707-263-3235.

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