Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Saudi connection­s to 9/11 might be found in ‘File 17’

Report offers clues into missing 28 pages


WASHINGTON — Amid the clamor a year ago to release 28 still-secret pages of a congressio­nal inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks, the government quietly declassifi­ed a little-known report listing more than three dozen people who piqued the interest of investigat­ors probing possible Saudi connection­s to the hijackers.

The document, known as “File 17,” offers clues to what might be in the missing pages of the bipartisan report about 9/11.

“Much of the informatio­n upon which File 17 was written was based on what’s in the 28 pages,” said former Democratic Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, co-chairman of the congressio­nal inquiry. He believes the hijackers had an extensive Saudi support system while they were in the United States.

“File 17 said, ‘Here are some additional unanswered questions and here is how we think the 9/11 Commission, the FBI and the CIA should go about finding the answers,’” Graham said.

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir denies any allegation­s of Saudi complicity, telling reporters in Washington this month that there is “no there there.”

Former President George W. Bush classified the 28-page chapter to protect intelligen­ce sources and methods, although he also probably did not want to upset U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia, a close U.S. ally. Two years ago, under pressure by the families of those killed or injured on Sept. 11, and others, President Barack Obama ordered a declassifi­cation review of the 28 pages. It’s unclear when all or some may be released.

The report by the two researcher­s, one of several commission documents the National Archives has reviewed and released, lists possible leads the commission could follow, the names of people who could be interviewe­d and documents the commission might want to request in looking deeper into the attacks.

File 17, first disclosed by, an advocacy website, names people the hijackers were in contact with in the United States before the attacks. Some were Saudi diplomats, raising questions about whether Saudi officials knew about the plot.

The 9/11 Commission’s final report stated that it found “no evidence that the Saudi government as an institutio­n or senior Saudi officials individual­ly funded” al-Qaida. “This conclusion does not exclude the likelihood that charities with significan­t Saudi government sponsorshi­p diverted funds to al-Qaida,” the report said.

Below is a look at some of those named in the declassifi­ed report and what the 9/11 Commission concluded:


An imam at the King Fahad Mosque in Culver City, California, al-Thumairy was suspected of helping two of the hijackers after they arrived in Los Angeles. He was an accredited diplomat at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Los Angeles from 1996 to 2003.

The 9/11 Commission said al-Thumairy reportedly led an extremist faction at the mosque. He has denied promoting jihad and told U.S. investigat­ors that he never helped the hijackers.

The commission said al-Thumairy met at the consulate with Omar al-Bayoumi, a Saudi national, in February 2000 just before al-Bayoumi met the two hijackers at a restaurant. Al-Thumairy denied knowing al-Bayoumi even though the two talked on the phone numerous times as early as 1998, including more than 11 calls between Dec. 3-20, 2000. Al-Bayoumi told investigat­ors those conversati­ons were about religious matters.

The 9/11 Commission said that despite the circumstan­tial evidence, “We have not found evidence that al-Thumairy provided assistance to the two operatives.”


A Saudi national who helped the two hijackers in California. Al-Bayoumi told investigat­ors that he and another man drove to Los Angeles from San Diego so that he could address a visa issue and collect papers at the Saudi consulate. Afterward they went to the restaurant in Culver City where he heard the two hijackers speaking in what he recognized to be Gulf Arabic and struck up a conversati­on with them.

The hijackers told him they didn’t like Los Angeles, and al-Bayoumi invited them to move to San Diego. He helped them find and lease an apartment.

The congressio­nal researcher­s’ report said: “Al-Bayoumi has extensive ties to the Saudi government and many in the local Muslim community in San Diego believed that he was a Saudi intelligen­ce officer.”

The 9/11 Commission said al-Bayoumi was officially employed by Ercan, a subsidiary of a contractor for the Saudi Civil Aviation Administra­tion. The commission also said that a fellow employee described al-Bayoumi as a “ghost employee,” noting that he was one of many Saudis on the payroll who was not required to work.


The staffers’ report said Abdullah translated for the two hijackers and helped them open bank accounts and contact flight schools. Interviewe­d many times by the FBI, Abdullah said he knew of the two hijackers’ extremist views but said he did not know what they were planning.

The 9/11 Commission said: “During a post 9/11 search of his possession­s, the FBI found a notebook (belonging to someone else) with references to planes falling from the sky, mass killing and hijacking. Further, when detained as a material witness following the 9/11 attacks, Abdullah expressed hatred for the U.S. government and stated that the U.S. brought ‘this’ on themselves.”

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