Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Trump insists election rigged, renews attack


PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — A beleaguere­d Donald Trump sought to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. presidenti­al election on Saturday, pressing claims the contest is rigged against him, vowing anew to jail Hillary Clinton if he’s elected and insinuatin­g his rival was on drugs in the last debate.

Trump accused the media and the Clinton campaign of conspiring against him to undermine a free and fair election.

“The election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing completely false allegation­s and outright lies in an effort to elect her president,” he said, referring to the several women who have come forward in recent days to say that Trump had groped or sexually assaulted them. He has denied the claims, calling the women liars.

Earlier Saturday, Trump took to Twitter to warn that “100% fabricated and made-up charges, pushed strongly by the media and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the American Voter. FIX!”

“Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail,” he added. “Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election.”

In a country with a history of peaceful political transition, his challenge to the election’s legitimacy was a striking rupture of faith in American democracy. Trump has repeatedly claimed without offering evidence that election fraud is a serious problem and encouraged his supporters to “go and watch” polling places in certain areas to make sure things are “on the up and up.”

Peter Kostruba, a Trump supporter who traveled to his Portsmouth rally from Barnet, Vermont, with his 10-year-old son, said he’s not expecting riots to break out if Clinton wins, but he sees sharper divisions in the country.

“It definitely feels like the odds are stacked, whether it’s the legal system or the voter system,” Kostruba said.

A prominent Trump supporter who spoke at the GOP convention last summer, Sheriff David Clarke Jr. of Wisconsin’s Milwaukee County, tweeted Saturday: “It’s incredible that our institutio­ns of gov, WH, Congress, DOJ, and big media are corrupt & all we do is bitch. Pitchforks and torches time.” Clarke, an elected Democrat, illustrate­d his tweet with a photo showing angry people with clubs and torches.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, whose decision not to campaign for Trump angered the GOP nominee, made clear he does not share the candidate’s concern about the election’s legitimacy.

Campaign finance reports showed Saturday that Trump trailed Clinton in fundraisin­g in September. He began this month with $75 million in his campaign and joint party accounts, he said in a statement. That’s exactly half of what the Clinton team said it had on hand — a worrisome financial disadvanta­ge for the Republican side.

Trump severed ties with Ohio’s Republican Party chairman, Matt Borges, who had become openly critical of the nominee at times. That crack in unity comes in a critical battlegrou­nd state, where Republican Gov. John Kasich is also not behind Trump.

Trump’s tribulatio­ns and accusation­s overshadow­ed the release Saturday of yet more emails hacked from accounts of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Trump also suggested Saturday that Clinton had been on drugs during the last debate and challenged his rival to a drug test before the final debate Wednesday.

“I think she’s actually getting pumped up, you want to know the truth.”


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