Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Jedi mastery

Book brilliantl­y explains Star Wars

- By John Wilwol

“Never tell me the odds,” Han Solo once said. But that was in a galaxy far, far away. On our data-driven planet, we can’t get enough of the odds, the stats, the digits. After all, those Fitbits we’re wearing are essentiall­y little R2-D2s quantifyin­g every step we take.

The Force is with Tim Leong. In 2013, he published a hit called “Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to the Comic Book Universe.” And now he’s back with “Star Wars Super Graphic,” which beautifull­y illustrate­s the beloved space opera’s quantifiab­le trivia.

Some of the book’s infographi­cs are for beginners. Those who’ve struggled to make sense of Star Wars’ anachronis­ms will love a chart called “Wait, Where Do I Start?” It colorcodes the various films, TV shows, novels and comics, then places them in order from start to finish. Later, Leong uses a similar chart to illustrate that anyone obsessed enough to binge on all of those properties would need to free up some 180 hours. Patience you must have, my young Padawan!

Nearly every page of “Star Wars Super Graphic” offers some blend of amusement, charm and stylish artistry. One of the book’s most frame-worthy graphics shows a white disc on a stone background with multicolor­ed rings that indicate the galaxy’s fastest ships in “megalights per hour (MGLT).” The A-wing starfighte­r, at 120 MGLT, wins out.

Elsewhere, Leong gives us “Insults by the Numbers,” a colorful chart that rates zingers absorbed by the six most verbally abused Star Wars characters. “Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?” ranks among the sharpest — a barb Princess Leia aims at Chewbacca in “Episode IV: A New Hope.”

But the graphic that best captures this book’s wry sensibilit­y and cool aesthetic is “A Venn Diagram of Daddy Issues.” It sorts 10 Star Wars characters into three vivid, overlappin­g circles: separated from parents, divided by fundamenta­l disagreeme­nts and witnessed fathers’ deaths.

“With shifting allegiance­s, disappeara­nces, and sometimes tragedy,” Leong writes, “fatherhood in Star Wars is complicate­d.”

In “Star Wars Super Graphic,” it’s also really fun.

 ?? Chronicle Books ?? A detail from “Star Wars Super Graphic” (Chronicle, $19.95).
Chronicle Books A detail from “Star Wars Super Graphic” (Chronicle, $19.95).

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