Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

The party is ending

Future is dim for the two major political organizati­ons

- By David Von Drehle

WITH control of Congress, the White House and a majority of state government­s, the Republican Party can claim to be stronger than at any time since 1928. On the other hand, many Democrats believe that their party’s edge among younger voters and growing nonwhite demographi­c groups has them on the brink of a new reign of power.

The truth is, both parties are in crisis — and may be headed for worse.

The Republican ascendancy is riddled with asterisks. The party’s control of Congress has only exposed deep and bitter divisions, as the pirates of Breitbart and talk radio turn their guns on House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Too riven to redeem its oft-sworn pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare, the fractured majority is now struggling to unite around tax cuts, the golden calf of the GOP. As the saying goes, power is what power does — in this case, not much.

At the White House, Republican­s rule in name only. The man in the Oval Office owes zilch to the party, having mowed down more than a dozen GOP leaders representi­ng every band of the party’s ideologica­l spectrum in his 2016 coup. In office, he continues to train his Twitter flamethrow­er on Republican­s much of the time. Meanwhile, the state-level GOP is waging civil war from Alabama to Arizona.

The internal bloodletti­ng is at least as fierce, though perhaps less public, among Democrats. They, too, nearly lost control of their presidenti­al nomination last year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., showed scant desire to be a Democrat through his long political career in Vermont, but he has decided late in life to pursue an ideologica­l takeover. The septuagena­rian revolution­ary continues to galvanize the left wing against leading Democrats, and neither he nor his people are interested in making nice.

In California, for example, veteran Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s announceme­nt that she would seek a fifth full term provoked howls from the Sanders set. The former mayor of San Francisco is too centrist for them. Emboldened, the top-ranking Democrat in the state Senate, Kevin de León, has jumped into the primary. Although he may not be as progressiv­e as the left would prefer, the mere fact of his challenge in the heart of Democratic America will cast a klieg light on party disunity. What makes today’s conflicts inside the major parties different from intramural elbow-throwing in the past? The rapid rise of unmediated democracy, enabled by the digital revolution.

For generation­s, the major parties have served as rival department stores anchoring opposite ends of America’s political shopping mall. They chose which products to offer and favored certain ones with their most prominent displays. They marshaled big budgets for advertisin­g and thus loomed over the boutiques and specialty stores — the greens, the libertaria­ns and so on —

chains are networks of contractor­s, spread over long distances including between countries, making components for the same product. Supply chains need dependable trade, which

would be threatened if NAFTA could be ended every five years.

Under NAFTA, any country can withdraw with six months’ notice. Whether Trump could unilateral­ly withdraw — without the concurrenc­e of Congress — under U.S. law is unclear.

A move to abandon NAFTA would almost certainly be challenged in court. That is all that can be said with confidence.

Still, Trump seems determined to vilify Mexico and Canada. The facts say otherwise.

 ?? Tim Brinton ??
Tim Brinton

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