Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)


- By Eugenia Last


You can’t please everyone. Weigh the pros and cons, but in the end, you will be best off following your heart and dreams. Bring about the changes that will make you happy and give you the courage to live life your way. Personal growth is encouraged.



24-Nov. 22): Listen to any complaints being made, and look for a way to appease anyone who may cause you grief or hinder your personal plans. A creative alternativ­e should be offered.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 21): Visiting a place you’ve never been will result in you meeting interestin­g people who will offer a lot to consider. Look at the possibilit­ies and put your plans in motion.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your luck will be on shaky ground. Don’t get involved in something that is risky or impractica­l. Wait for the right opportunit­y to make a change. Protect against injury.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Draw on your inner strength and resolve when dealing with people who are being pushy or are not seeing things your way. Arguments will not solve issues, but compromise and patience will.

(Feb. 20-March 20): Don’t let other people’s expectatio­ns weigh you down. Be up-front about what you can and are willing to do. If someone is too demanding, be willing to walk away.

(March 21-April 19): Bring


about positive change. Dig deep and get the facts. Do your best to help others. Channel your energy wisely and concentrat­e on personal growth, happiness and romancing the one you love.


(April 20-May 20): Lastminute changes will catch you off guard. Don’t make a fuss. Deal with whatever comes your way with kindness, understand­ing and smarts to protect yourself against loss.


(May 21-June 20): Sensitive issues will rise to the surface. Be fully prepared to give an honest appraisal of whatever situation you encounter. Keep in mind that it takes two to tango.

(June 21-July 22): Taking a day trip or attending a lecture will give you plenty to think about. What you see and learn will be the beginning of a new adventure. Be willing to explore the unknown.

(July 23-Aug. 22): Taking a brief outing or making special plans with someone you love will bring you closer together. Time spent primping and improving your physical appearance will pay off.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Taking time to rejuvenate and think about your next move will help you come to a decision necessary to reach your personal and profession­al goals. Someone unusual will offer a unique perspectiv­e.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Take care of an emotional issue you have with someone before it turns into a dispute you regret. It’s in your best interest to keep the peace for now.

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