Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Trump devoid of morals


I would like to reply to the Oct. 21 letter headlined “Understand­ing Donald Trump” with the following points:

1. The media don’t distort facts. Anything that is negative about Trump, he considers “fake news.” They don’t distort the facts or misreprese­nt his actions. His actions are reported as he represents them through his many tweets and statements. He says one thing one day and something totally opposite the next.

2. With regard to his compulsive lying, the nonpartisa­n website Politifact says he lies or tells half truths more than 70 percent of the time. I think that makes him a compulsive liar.

3. Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker was a close ally of Trump. From what I have read, Trump even considered him as a running mate. Corker has come to realize that Trump has a complete lack of knowledge as to how to lead the greatest country in the world. There have been plenty of Democrats who will disagree with their leadership but will try and work out their difference­s.

4. It was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who demanded that all Republican­s oppose any and everything that former President Barack Obama proposed even when it was of benefit to the country. McConnell wanted to make sure that Obama would be a one-term president. How did that work out for the Republican­s?

I think most of this country and the entire free world realize what Trump stands for. He has absolutely no moral compass and is a pretend Christian. He has had three wives, cheating on the first with his second while still married to the first. He has filed for at least four bankruptci­es, causing people to lose millions of dollars.

5. He took $20,000 from charitable donations to buy himself a 20-foot self-portrait.

The first president I voted for was John F. Kennedy. Since then, I have seen great leaders and some not so great leaders, but I have never seen a president who completely lacks any morals and is only interested in me, me, me. His only objective seems to be eliminatin­g any and everything Obama has given this country. Sad! Jerry Zodin, Las Vegas

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