Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Editorial Roundup

Recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:


The Los Angeles Times on a gun reciprocit­y bill in the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting (Oct. 25):

For a few days after the Las Vegas sniper attack, it seemed as if Congress might actually move to ban the device known as the “bump stock,” which the gunman used to convert his semiautoma­tic rifles into, essentiall­y, machine guns that could fire 90 shots in 10 seconds into a crowded music festival. That moment — like so many before it — seems to have passed. So what gun policy measure are lawmakers discussing in Congress these days? An absurd yet dangerous proposal that would drasticall­y undercut states’ abilities to set reasonable rules about who gets to carry a weapon.

The proposed federal law, the so-called Concealed Carry Reciprocit­y Act of 2017, would require any state that issues permits for carrying concealed weapons to recognize concealed-carry permits issued by other states — even if those states have different eligibilit­y and training requiremen­ts and less stringent restrictio­ns on gun ownership. In the House, the measure has picked up 212 co-sponsors (including three Democrats); a companion Senate bill has 38 co-sponsors, signaling significan­t support.

The National Rifle Assn. has made passing the reciprocit­y bill its legislativ­e priority for this session. The rest of the nation should make it a priority to stop this madness. It is little more than cynical gamesmansh­ip by the NRA and its martinets in Congress. It needs to be shot down.

Proponents of the bill argue that a permit to carry a concealed weapon is similar to a driver’s license and should be recognized nationwide. But that’s cookedup logic. States observe similar traffic laws and training requiremen­ts before issuing driver’s licenses. That’s not so with guns. In fact, a dozen states put no restrictio­ns at all on who gets to carry a concealed firearm so long as people meet minimal federal qualificat­ions for being able to buy a gun. Other states should not be forced to live under such loose rules if they don’t believe those rules to be safe. Gun owners from Arizona, where no permit is required for carrying a concealed weapon, should not be allowed to wander armed into a state such as California, which has some of the strictest gun controls in the country, without meetings its requiremen­ts.

Given the Republican­s’ historic support of states’ rights, it’s a bit rich that they are now seeking a federal law to trump state laws on something so crucial to public safety as gun ownership, We hope members of Congress have closely read the studies that have found that states with the most-relaxed gun-control laws tend to have higher rates of gun deaths than states with tighter controls.

The constituti­onality of a gun reciprocit­y law is unclear. If states have a right to determine who may carry a gun — which the courts have recognized — then is Congress within its rights to let the NRA in through the back door? In any case, such an approach is, as we have argued before, a race to the bottom, in which the least restrictiv­e state laws will be the ones that govern the whole country.

Previous versions of this gun-lover’s pipe dream have stalled in Congress, but with the Republican­s now in control of both houses and the White House — and with the support of gun-friendly Democrats — there is a very real chance this reckless bill might actually get somewhere. Gun-control groups have been actively trying to stir up opposition, and a group of 17 Democratic attorneys general — including California’s Xavier Becerra — sent a letter to congressio­nal leaders over the weekend urging them to block the “ill-conceived bills that would override local public safety decisions and endanger our communitie­s and law enforcemen­t officers.”

There is no reason for this law to exist other than to feed the fantasy that an even more heavily armed nation would be a safer nation. That is simply untrue. Congress would better serve the nation’s public health and safety by ignoring this bit of legislativ­e subterfuge and focusing its attention instead on fixing the federal law that allowed the Las Vegas shooter to convert a firearm that ought to be banned into one that already has been.

The Houston Chronicle on Republican­s admonishin­g President Donald Trump (Oct. 24):

The tribunes are sounding. Nine months into the current administra­tion, serious members of President Donald Trump’s party are beginning to raise alarms about the man who occupies the White House. For the good of the nation, all of us, particular­ly Republican­s at all levels of government, must pay heed.

On Tuesday, it was U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake, the Arizona Republican, who concluded there is no place for a traditiona­l conservati­ve in the Republican Party and who announced that he will not seek re-election. He joins U.S. Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, also not seeking re-election and also warning for weeks now that Donald Trump is a danger to the Republic.

Add those words of caution to the grave observatio­ns of our fellow Texan, former President George W. Bush, and those of another Arizonan, U.S. Sen. John McCain, an old warhorse, mortally ill and fighting to the very end for the good of the nation he loves. Conservati­ves all, they are responding to a political and moral duty to speak up, to speak out.

Here is Flake on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday: “Reckless, outrageous and undignifie­d behavior has become excused and countenanc­ed as ‘telling it like it is,’ when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignifie­d.

“And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else: It is dangerous to a democracy. Such behavior does not project strength — because our strength comes from our values. It instead projects a corruption of the spirit, and weakness.”

Corker, the man who memorably described the Trump White House a few day ago as “an adult daycare center” and who has warned that Trump’s volatility could set the United States on a “path to World War III,” said this on Tuesday: “For young people to be watching, not only here in our country, but around the world, someone of this mentality as president of the United States is something that is I think debasing to our country. You would think he would aspire to be the president of the United States and act like a president of the United States. But that’s just not going to be the case, apparently.”

The senator’s warning followed on the heels of Bush’s admonition, who, without naming names, left no doubt about his target. “Bigotry seems emboldened,” he said. “Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabricatio­n. (...) And we know that when we lose sight of our ideals, it is not democracy that has failed. It is the failure of those charged with preserving and protecting democracy.”

What these men are saying goes deeper than an internecin­e feud between conservati­sm and radicalism within the Republican Party (though it is that). It is an existentia­l moment that speaks to the direction of the party, to be sure, but also to the direction of this nation. As the traditiona­l Republican Party devolves with Trump’s encouragem­ent into the nationalis­tic, nativist party of Stephen K. Bannon, Stephen Miller and Roy Moore, we call on John Cornyn, Ted Cruz and other Texas Republican­s to look to their conscience­s. Consider the good of the nation, not merely your own party. You and your fellow Republican­s must not allow Trump’s behavior to be “the new normal,” to use Flake’s words.

Democrats need to use whatever diminished power they have to resist, to offer a clear and compelling alternativ­e to “the debasement of our nation” (Corker’s words). And voters, please, whether you’re Republican, Democratic or independen­t, you must take the next election seriously. Political nihilism and countenanc­ing political chaos have done enough damage.

“We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil,” McCain said last week, his voice as weak and reedy as his spirit remains strong. “We are the custodians of those ideals at home, and their champion abroad.”

Are we? With three long years to go, that’s the unsettling question this White House forces all of us to ask. And answer.

The Boston Herald on #MeToo and sexual harassment (Oct. 24):

No, sexual harassment isn’t just for celebritie­s.

Of course, we knew that all along, even if it did take the horrific level of allegation­s of gross misconduct and predatory behavior by producer Harvey Weinstein to capture the public’s attention and kick off the #metoo movement.

Two celebrity chefs, Todd English and John Besh, are now being accused of harassment by former employees.

Four female members of the U.S. Senate told their stories over the weekend, including Massachuse­tts’ own Elizabeth Warren, who shared an account of her early days as a new law professor on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and of being harassed by a senior faculty member.

“He slammed the door (of his office) and lunged for me,” she said. “It was like a bad cartoon. He’s chasing me around the desk, trying to get his hands on me.”

You’d think even back in the day a male law professor would know better.

And just yesterday Fidelity Investment­s Chairman Abigail Johnson issued a video message to the firm’s over 40,000 employees saying, “Today, I’d like to remind everyone that we have no tolerance at our company for any type of harassment. We simply will not, and do not tolerate this type of behavior, from anyone.”

According to a number of published reports, Fidelity has dismissed at least two money managers after they were accused of sexual harassment and the firm has hired a consultant to examine its processes for handling such situations. According to The Wall Street Journal, a Boston-based stock-picking unit had a particular­ly problemati­c “culture.”

Yes, it certainly will take more than a hashtag to tackle a problem that everyone seemed to know existed, but no one really wanted to expose — including or in many cases especially the victims. But when the headlines fade and the hashtag is long forgotten it will still take corporate leaders like Johnson and many of her male counterpar­ts to continue the effort — and make sure another generation doesn’t have to endure such treatment.

The Toronto Star on the U.S. and Canada’s relationsh­ip in the North American Free Trade Agreement (Oct. 20):

When the once-unthinkabl­e suddenly seems all-too-possible, there’s a normal human tendency to look for a silver lining in that cloud. And so it is now that the deal underpinni­ng Canada’s biggest trading relationsh­ip appears to be hanging by a thread.

The story is far from over, but this may well be the week that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) suffered the blow that leads to its eventual demise, most likely early next year. With the Trump administra­tion pushing outrageous­ly protection­ist demands, Canada and Mexico have no choice but to make clear their own bottom lines and prepare for life after NAFTA.

There was always a very real chance it would come to this. No country can afford to be rolled by a bully across the street who isn’t genuinely interested in working out a deal that’s good for both sides. And that’s the position Donald Trump is putting Canada in as his negotiator­s relentless­ly pursue his “America First” agenda.

We are now hearing from various quarters that if things fall apart it may not be so bad after all. Canada’s chief negotiator in the original NAFTA negotiatio­ns, John Weekes, said “it wouldn’t be the end of the world” if the deal disappears. And in the Star, former NDP leader Ed Broadbent wrote optimistic­ally that there could be “major new opportunit­ies” for Canada in a post-NAFTA world.

That’s all good to hear. There has been a tendency since the deal came into effect almost a quarter century ago to exaggerate both its benefits and shortcomin­gs. The truth is that the overall effects of globalizat­ion and rapid technologi­cal change have been much bigger factors in shaping our economy — for both good and ill. Fixing NAFTA or scrapping it won’t change that.

But there’s no point in minimizing the potential costs involved if it all goes south. It’s not just the short- to medium-term effects on the economy if NAFTA ends. In a report last July the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund said that could be as little as a 0.4-per-cent reduction in Canada’s GDP, a number cited by Broadbent. (It’s worth noting, however, that the IMF figure is on the low end of estimates by economists; others figure the hit to Canada could be as big as 2.5 per cent of GDP, which would be painful.)

There’s a bigger picture, though, one hinted at by Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland as she spoke at the end of, acrimoniou­s round of trade talks in Washington. She said the American side has brought forward proposals that “turn back the clock on 23 years of predictabi­lity, openness and collaborat­ion under NAFTA.”

Freeland called that “troubling,” an understate­ment if ever there was one. Who can doubt that introducin­g such uncertaint­y into the mix would hurt both the Canadian and U.S. economies, which are doing pretty well at the moment. And there’s no reason to believe that ending NAFTA would bring back any of the manufactur­ing jobs lost in both countries over the past two decades. It will still be much cheaper to operate a factory in China or any number of other low-wage countries.

And beyond the fate of NAFTA itself are the wider implicatio­ns of Trump’s drive to put “America First.” As he interprets it, it amounts to withdrawin­g the United States from all sorts of involvemen­t with the rest of the world on the grounds that other countries have been taking America to the cleaners for decades — in trade, in military alliances, in multilater­al arrangemen­ts of all kinds.

Aside from NAFTA, he has pulled the U.S. out of a potential trade deal with much of Asia, the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p; withdrawn from the global agreement on climate and the deal to limit Iran’s nuclear ambitions; called into question Washington’s role in NATO and the United Nations; and on and on.

This is the biggest American retreat from the world since the 1920s, when Washington embraced isolationi­sm, much to the detriment of the entire world. The gap is being filled by other, more confident powers, notably China. It’s no accident that The Economist singled out that country’s president, Xi Jinping, as “the world’s most powerful man” — a label long reserved for U.S. presidents. Now, it wrote, the president of China “walks with a swagger abroad” while Trump’s America “is pulling back and creating a power vacuum.”

What does this mean for Canada? For one thing, Ottawa must certainly stick to its guns on issues of principle, no matter how tough the talks become. Those include, for example, maintainin­g a credible independen­t dispute settlement mechanism so that a powerful partner like the U.S. cannot simply interpret trade rules to its own advantage.

It also means at this point holding firm on some issues where it might actually be in Canada’s best interest to compromise — such as our protection­ist marketing board policies. Canadian consumers would benefit from rolling those back, but it can’t happen with Washington holding a gun to Ottawa’s head.

It means redoubling efforts to find other trade partners and lessen Canada’s reliance on the United States. That has been notably unsuccessf­ul in past decades: when Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre was prime minister way back in 1971 he famously launched a so-called “third option” initiative to diversify markets in the face of protection­ist moves from the Nixon administra­tion. At the time, 69 per cent of Canadian exports went to the U.S.; now the figure is up to 76 per cent — and Canada’s economy is even more dependent on trade than it was then.

Nonetheles­s, Trump’s willingnes­s to see NAFTA sink should light a fire under Ottawa to do whatever it can to wean Canada off its dependence on the U.S. For one thing, it should support efforts to revive the TPP agreement without American participat­ion. If successful, that would give Canada more access to important Asian markets, including Japan.

There’s nothing Canada can do about Trump. Like the rest of the world, we’re stuck with him for the time being. But we can use this moment to remind ourselves of the pitfalls of leaning too heavily on one increasing­ly unreliable and inward-looking partner.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE / AP ?? Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, arrives Wednesday for the start of a closed-door security briefing at the Capitol. Flake last week concluded there was no place for a traditiona­l conservati­ve in the Republican...
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE / AP Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, arrives Wednesday for the start of a closed-door security briefing at the Capitol. Flake last week concluded there was no place for a traditiona­l conservati­ve in the Republican...

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