Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)



- By Ric Anderson A version of this story was posted on lasvegassu­

Thom Reilly’s freshman year as chancellor of Nevada’s higher education system was anything but peaceful and quiet. ¶ In what amounted to his second semester as the head of the state’s universiti­es and colleges, Reilly became a central figure in the dramatic and unexpected departure of UNLV President Len Jessup, who claimed that Reilly and a faction of the Nevada Board of Regents had forced him out. Reilly denied that he or the regents pressured Jessup to resign, but the president’s three years into a fiveyear contract incensed some members of the UNLV community, including a number of prominent donors who either pulled contributi­ons or announced they were reconsider­ing gifts. ¶ The situation created uncertaint­y about the future of UNLV’s medical school, as the contributi­ons at issue had been made for a new building for the fledgling school. In pulling the gifts, donors cited a lack of trust with the chancellor and regents.

Now, Jessup is the first-year president of Claremont Graduate University, and Marta Meana is in her first fall semester as acting president of UNLV. Meanwhile, Meana and the medical school’s dean, Barbara Atkinson, presented a new approach to constructi­on of the medical school building, starting with a $50 million library that would be funded by a mix of state money and private donations. The second phase would be a $180 million, 182,000-square-foot teaching and education building that would be privately funded.

Recently, as he headed into his second year as chancellor, Reilly sat down for an interview with the Sun to discuss the search for Jessup’s replacemen­t, the new medical school plan and more. He asked not to rehash the circumstan­ces surroundin­g Jessup’s departure but agreed to discuss other topics.

Edited excerpts of the conversati­on follow.

What’s the status of the UNLV search?

When we went out there in late spring, we said we’d come back in the fall. So we’re still looking at October or November to go back out there and get the pulse of the campus on how they want to proceed.

So the search isn’t underway?

No, it’s not. What came out of the discussion­s is that overwhelmi­ngly they wanted an acting versus an interim, and two, there wasn’t consensus on when to start it. Some felt we needed a couple of years in order to let things calm down because of a host of issues, while others wanted to do it quicker. So I think we’re going to go back and get a pulse, and then determine when to start the search.

How will you gauge the feel of the campus?

We’ll have a discussion with student leaders, faculty leaders. I rely on them a lot because they’re the elected spokespeop­le, and they should have a better pulse. We’ll still have open forums, but we do give a lot of weight to the head of faculty senate and the faculty senate members, and the student leaders, the Alumni Associatio­n and the UNLV Foundation.

Are you still planning to hire a chief operations officer for UNLV?

It’s up to the president. So I think that’s a good question for Dr. Meana, as far as how she’s dealing with those operationa­l issues. She has a pretty detailed plan, but I don’t want to take the thunder away from her.

I know you’ve been asked several times about Brian Sandoval (Nevada’s governor, who has been mentioned as a possible successor to Jessup and whose second and last term as governor expires in January). Is there any news to announce there?

There isn’t. I’ve been consistent­ly on the record in saying he’d be a good candidate. But we would be committed to an open search. So when we open a search, then we believe in a shared governance process, where faculty and students and their

community have input on who the next president will be.

So while I think he’s a wonderful candidate — or would be, if he chose to go that way — he would need to be vetted along with other candidates, where we have input from the really important constituen­ts, and primarily students and faculty.

Let’s move on to the UNLV medical school, and the new approach that was announced last week. Where did that originate, and how did it evolve?

That is the plan that the UNLV president and the medical school dean have come up with. This was their approach as far as how to move forward. There were two pressing issues. One is our land transfer agreement with the county had a time frame on it, where if we didn’t build by a certain date, the land would transfer back to the county. The second issue was that the condition of the $25 million, which was long before I came, required that that money be used last, and that it be a state public works project.

So in the bill that was signed, the condition of the $25 million from the governor was that it be a public works project and that it be used as a last resort. Private dollars had to be used first.

The governor’s office indicated that if we didn’t use the $25 million, then in all likelihood it would be repurposed. So we potentiall­y faced losing the land and losing the $25 million.

So this may be a better question for the president and the dean and David Frommer (UNLV planning and constructi­on director), but they looked structural­ly at the original plans and then made decisions on what made most sense in terms of building in phases.

They had conversati­ons about other components, but it would structural­ly be hard to build one of those and then build something else on top of it.

Is it unusual to build a medical school’s library first, then build the rest?

Well, I think building phases of buildings is pretty common, depending on how much funding you have. So in their conversati­ons, I think it was more a matter of, “This is the funding we have, so how can we move forward given that we have land and have $25 million that could be repurposed?” And the dean and her staff came up with, “This is one way to move forward, and can we build consensus on it?”

The $50 million price tag for the library has raised some eyebrows.

This would be a good question for UNLV, but I think libraries have changed. They have more technology. They’re learning centers, and they’re places for meetings. Universiti­es are still building libraries, but the library is looking different from perhaps when you and I went to school. And again, this is all part of the original plan.

Several key donors weren’t present at the meeting where this plan was unveiled, and I was later told that their absence was intentiona­l. Any concerns about relations with the donors?

Yeah, I think that’s always a concern. Obviously, donors are a key partnershi­p in moving forward. But my understand­ing is the dean has been in contact, so I’m sure UNLV is having those conversati­ons.

You’re not having those conversati­ons?

I’m not. It’s much more appropriat­e for UNLV (to be having them). I spend very little time with any foundation­s at any of the institutio­ns. But what’s been reported to me is that the UNLV Foundation is moving forward with raising the dollars.

I’ve been told that as much as 90 percent of the funding for the UNR medical school’s facilities came from the state. Do you think that’s accurate?

I don’t know. That’s a fair question, but we’d have to look at that and see where that funding came in. I will say that the original plan (for the UNLV med school) as far as what it took operationa­l-wise and to build it out has been met (by the state). The governor has committed to that, as have the regents.

But it’s a double-edged sword (to build out the facility with state funding). If the state is putting in money, it becomes a state public works project.

But if the state did fund the vast majority of UNR’s facilities, would you be willing to go to the Legislatur­e and say, “The state helped UNR, so shouldn’t UNLV get the same treatment?”

Well, I’d be willing to look at it. Is that the best strategy for donors and where UNLV wants to go? Do we want a totally state-funded building? I know that in conversati­ons with the governor — and this precedes me — his understand­ing was that the state would commit to funding for full operations and UNLV was committed to raising private funds for the building.

In April, you gave an interview in which you basically said you didn’t believe Barbara Atkinson would get a new contract ...

I don’t think that’s exactly what I said. The question was that her contract was up.

But you didn’t think she would remain at the UNLV med school?

That is up to the president. It’s totally the president’s decision. And the presidents made the decision — I think it was President Jessup and Marta Meana — that the dean was valuable and was needed to run the med school.

My conversati­ons with deans are very limited. As a policy, I go directly to the presidents. They run their institutio­ns, and for me to start calling down to talk to different people, I just don’t think it’s appropriat­e. But the decision on any dean is a president’s decision. And they made the determinat­ion, which I’m totally supportive of.

OK, different topic. The higher education system has adopted five goals, including increasing graduation rates. What are your targets and what’s your strategy for hitting them?

I’ve really pushed the institutio­ns to identify peer and aspiration­al institutio­ns as their benchmarks, and develop close relationsh­ips with them, because these institutio­ns mirror the demographi­cs and the the challenges of education, including K-12, financial challenges, etc.

I believe that through these partnershi­ps, we can start looking at best practices. With these like communitie­s, what have they done to have a richer research profile or have more success around students?

I’m also asking that we have a deeper conversati­on directly between presidents and regents.

In the past, when presidents have made presentati­ons it’s been more of a dog and pony show — “These are the great things our institutio­ns do.” I believe our institutio­ns do great things. But we’re missing key time between regents, the policymake­rs and our presidents, who know their institutio­ns, to talk more frankly about how we move the needle.

If we’re serious about improving graduation rates and meet our other objectives, like closing the achievemen­t gap and making Nevada a culture where individual­s get access to higher education, then we need to put our money and our effort into goal.

That can only occur if our presidents are forthright and talk about the obstacles, and come prepared with best practices and evidence.

So I’m trying to create a platform for doing that, where we take a goal, we focus on the metrics and we have a deeper conversati­ons.

We’ll start with our access (which will be the discussed during the Board of Regents’ September meeting this week).

Around goals two and three — student success, and closing the achievemen­t gap — I’m looking to have a one-day workshop where we’ll be targeting graduation goals and really getting into the details. Each of the presidents will be prepared to talk about what they believe can work in their institutio­ns.

The most recent data I could find show that in 2014-15, UNR received $8,355 in state funding per FTE student, while UNLV received only $6,021. Meanwhile, for a variety of reasons, UNLV faces steeper challenges than UNR in getting students from their freshman year to graduation. Is the funding discrepanc­y something you’d be willing to address with the Legislatur­e?

First, there have been changes to the funding formula. By all accounts, the new formula has made great strides in dealing with the equity issue.

The funding formula is based on two factors: enrollment and completion. And that’s a similar formula that is applied to every one of our institutio­ns.

To your point, we do need to build that case, but we need to build it with evidence. I feel we haven’t come with details. We hadn’t had those conversati­ons and made the case.

So I’ll keep harping on why those aspiration­al and peer institutio­ns are so important: because these are like communitie­s. And they’ve figured out how to move the needle, given the same opportunit­ies and challenges as us for the most part.

And that helps us build our story. At the Legislatur­e, there’s been some talk of having a committee focused on the issue of higher education funding formula. This would be powerful documentat­ion data that we can bring to the table.

What’s your opinion of AJR5 (which would remove the board of regents from the state constituti­on, giving the Legislatur­e more control of higher education)?

I’ve been on the record of saying I’m very open to the idea of a hybrid — appointed and elected — as well as reducing the size of the board. I think they’re good conversati­ons to have. The worst thing to do is for the regents to be defensive about it.

We’ve got to tie it back to the issue of student success. What is it that’s going to help us improve the student experience and help individual­s graduate? That’s what we need to be focused on.

But it doesn’t sound like something you’d be willing to take to the Legislatur­e and support.

Well, I’d be happy to opine as issues come up. The only caveat I have is that the elected versus appointed is a challengin­g issue for Nevada. For good, bad or indifferen­t, Nevada prides itself in having this sort of direct democracy.

As county manager, I made a big pitch — and I made it in your paper, actually — about appointing the county recorder. At the time, there was a lot of corruption going on in that office that affected the recorder’s ability to work with the treasurer, the assessor and the rest.

My argument was that it wasn’t a policymaki­ng position; it was an administra­tive position. We didn’t elect the county administra­tor, or animal control, because these are administra­tive, so why are we electing the recorder?

I’ll tell you what: I don’t think the commission has ever gotten more hate mail. It was like, “Who does the county manager think he is, taking away my vote?”

Have you developed priorities for the 2019 legislativ­e session?

We had meetings with the governor and his staff about what our enhancemen­t package could be. We were basically told it was about $120 million.

As a system, we were successful back before I got here in getting capacity building enhancemen­ts at each of our institutio­ns. The governor is committed to continuing that. Those are projects, for instance, at UNLV and UNR around research, about helping push their Carnegie R1 status.

And then with the medical school, which is really the only non formula-funded project we were able to get in, the total build-out is important.

Then there are two pilot programs that are important to us, including one around the issue of summer school.

The reality is that right now, we’re only funded for nursing (for summer school), and I think the reason the Legislatur­e funded nursing is that we’ve had a shortage. That has proved successful — we have produced more nurses.

But right now they don’t fund anything else, so there’s a disincenti­ve for schools to offer summer school, because it would impact fall and spring enrollment, and that’s what the funding formula is partly based on.

So the governor has agreed to pilot summer school to extend it to work force and STEM.

The reality is that students go to school year-round. Many of our students struggle to do a traditiona­l 15-15 (15 credit hours in the fall, 15 in the spring), but they can do a 12-12-6.

Even the feds are funding Pell Grants in the summer. This old model of students just going in the fall and spring is outdated. We need to change in Nevada to be year-round. We can do certificat­e offerings quicker in the summer, we can accelerate graduation.

The other initiative is around faculty compressio­n. We did a study to look at how our faculty salaries compare nationally. It basically concluded that we fare well in salaries with other like institutio­ns, but where we have a large problem is around the issue of compressio­n, so for 10 years there haven’t been increases. We’re not the only one facing that, but the problems that creates at the institutio­nal level is that new faculty are being brought on at higher rates than existing faculty. UNLV and UNR have to be really strategic about where they need to bring most research dollars in to achieve their R1 status. They have to go after professors and offer them at higher rates (than current faculty) because they’re competitiv­e. So what that does is create this compressio­n issue where you’re bringing assistant professors in at higher rates sometimes than associates and full professors.

Not only does it create morale issues, it’s a fairness and equity issue. So we’ve developed a plan over a three-biennium period to address it.

 ??  ?? Thom Reilly
Thom Reilly
 ?? IMAGE COURTESY OF TSK ARCHITECTS / CO ARCHITECTS ?? The future home of the UNLV School of Medicine.
IMAGE COURTESY OF TSK ARCHITECTS / CO ARCHITECTS The future home of the UNLV School of Medicine.

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