Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Dog can adapt to sudden blindness if owner helps

- Send your pet questions, stories and tips to cathy Please include your name, city and state.

Dear Cathy: What causes a 6-year-old dog to go blind in less than a week? Is there anything we can do to fix it? The vet says she has SARDS. — J. Vozzo, Henderson

Dear J: While several conditions can cause your dog to go blind quickly, if your veterinari­an says your dog has sudden acquired retinal degenerati­on, or SARDS, then that is the culprit. This condition can affect any breed of dog and is the result of the destructio­n of the rods and cones in the retina, which results in sudden blindness.

Many dog owners report seeing an increase in appetite and water consumptio­n a week or two before the blindness. There is no treatment and no way to reverse blindness caused by SARDS.

Please know your dog is not in pain and does not need to be euthanized. Animals can adapt to blindness, especially with their owners’ help.

First, don’t move the furniture around or leave baskets of laundry or shoes in odd places. Push in the chairs to the dining room table after meals. The more the space stays the same, the quicker she will adjust.

Second, use sound and scent to help her know where she is going. Put a bell or something scented, such as a car freshener, on the door she uses to go out and relieve herself. The scent will help her find her way to the door (always use the same scent) and the bells will let her know the door is open and she can go out.

Next, keep water and food dishes in the same place, so she can easily find them. If she gets disoriente­d, take her to the door where she relieves herself or to her food dishes, so she can get her bearings again.

Finally, block her access to the stairs using baby gates and to in-ground pools using covers or fencing. Provide some short stairs to the bed or couch, if she is allowed on them. Learning stairs will be her hardest task, so be patient. You can use treats on each step to coax her along.

Dear Cathy: I have three 1-year-old cats, all litter mates. One of the girls, Mona, throws up from time to time. We haven’t discovered the cause, but it’s better since we switched to a limited-ingredient diet.

Sometimes it looks like undigested food. Other times, it’s just liquid. She’s active and still eats and drinks. At the last visit to the vet, they gave her fluids and said she had a slight fever. They said it could be inflamed bowels and if it continues, they may do an abdominal ultrasound.

Her brother Farley eats, drinks, plays and is otherwise healthy. However, he frequently has softer bowels and diarrhea. All cats are fed dry and wet food. I know they say that wet food can cause softer stool, but can it cause diarrhea?

Any help would be greatly appreciate­d. We’re deep in vet bills at this point. — Gina, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvan­ia

Dear Gina: Some pets are more sensitive to food than others, and so any diet can cause gastric distress, depending on the pet’s sensitivit­y to the food. A limited-ingredient diet can be helpful.

It can be distressin­g to have exorbitant vet bills with no answers. I have always had what I refer to as a “bottom-up” vet rather than a “top-down” vet. What that means is my vet is willing to try the least expensive thing first, rather than put my pet and my pocketbook through a host of tests that may reveal nothing. If the cheaper solution doesn’t work, then we move on to the big tests for answers.

So, ask your vet this question: “If we do the ultrasound and discover that my cat has inflamed bowels, what is the treatment?”

Oftentimes, treatment is a diet change or a medication to reduce inflammati­on. If that is the case, then ask your vet if you can try those treatment recommenda­tions first, before the big tests. I think that is a very reasonable request, as it won’t take long to see if the treatment works, and it gives you time to think about how to pay for the ultrasound, if it is still needed.

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