Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Made and distribute­d in the USA: Online disinforma­tion

- By Sheera Frenkel

SAN FRANCISCO — When Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress last month about Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assault, a website called Right Wing News sprang into action on Facebook.

The conservati­ve site, run by blogger John Hawkins, had created a series of Facebook pages and accounts over the last year under many names, according to Facebook.

After Ford testified, Right Wing News posted several false stories about her — including the suggestion that her lawyers were being bribed by Democrats — and then used the network of Facebook pages and accounts to share the pieces so that they proliferat­ed online quickly, social media researcher­s said.

The result was a real-time spreading of disinforma­tion started by Americans, for Americans.

What Right Wing News did was part of a shift in the flow of online disinforma­tion, falsehoods meant to mislead and inflame. In 2016, before the presidenti­al election, state-backed Russian operatives exploited Facebook and Twitter to sway voters in the United States with divisive messages. Now, weeks before the midterm elections on Nov. 6, such influence campaigns are increasing­ly a domestic phenomenon fomented by Americans on the left and the right.

“There are now well-developed networks of Americans targeting other Americans with purposeful­ly designed manipulati­ons,” said Molly McKew, an informatio­n warfare researcher at the New Media Frontier, a firm that studies social media.

Politics has always involved shadings of the truth via whisper campaigns, directmail operations and negative ads bordering on untrue. What is different this time is how domestic sites are emulating the Russian strategy of 2016 by aggressive­ly creating networks of Facebook pages and accounts — many of them fake — that make it appear as if the ideas they are pro-

moting enjoy widespread popularity, researcher­s said. The activity is also happening on Twitter, they said.

The shift toward domestic disinforma­tion raises potential free speech issues when Facebook and Twitter find and curtail such accounts that originate in the United States, an issue that may be sensitive before the midterms. “These networks are trying to manipulate people by manufactur­ing consensus — that’s crossing the line over free speech,” said Ryan Fox, a co-founder of New Knowledge, a firm that tracks disinforma­tion.

This month, Twitter took down a network of 50 accounts that it said were being run by Americans posing as Republican state lawmakers. Twitter said the accounts were geared toward voters in all 50 states.

On Thursday, Facebook said it had identified 559 pages and 251 accounts run by Americans, many of which amplified false and misleading content in a coordinate­d fashion. The company said it would remove the pages and accounts. Among them were Right Wing News, which had more than 3.1 million followers, and left-wing pages that included the Resistance and Reverb Press, which had 240,000 and 816,000 followers.

Facebook said this amounted to the most domestic pages and accounts it had ever removed related to influence campaigns. The company said it had discovered the activity as part of its broader effort to root out election interferen­ce. Also, the pages had become more aggressive in using tactics like fake accounts and multiple pages to make themselves appear more popular.

“If you look at volume, the majority of the informatio­n operations we see are domestic actors,” said Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of security. He added that the company was struggling with taking down the domestic networks because of the blurry lines between free speech and disinforma­tion.

Gleicher said the accounts and pages that Facebook took down on Thursday violated its rules about online spam and that many of the domestic organizati­ons probably had financial motivation­s for spreading disinforma­tion. The organizati­on can make money by getting people to click on links in Facebook that then direct users to websites filled with ads. Once someone visits the ad-filled website, those clicks mean more ad revenue.

But while traditiona­l spam networks typically use celebrity gossip or stories about natural disasters to get people to click on links that take them to ad-filled sites, these networks were now using political content to attract people’s attention.

“Today, sensationa­l political content seems to be a more effective way for people to build an audience for their pages and drive traffic to their websites, which earn them money for every visitor to the site,” Gleicher said.

Right Wing News did not return calls or emails seeking comment. After this article was published online, Hawkins tweeted, “I have not been involved with running the Right Wing News Facebook page this year. Additional­ly, I haven’t created any fake accounts on Facebook.”

Administra­tors for the Facebook page for the Resistance also did not respond to requests for comment. Ed Lynn, who runs Reverb Press, said he had no notice that Facebook would be removing the page. “I believe Facebook has made a mistake where Reverb Press is concerned. We are a legitimate American news and opinion publicatio­n,” Lynn said in a statement. He said he was appealing the decision.

Domestic disinforma­tion is harder to root out than foreign disinforma­tion, researcher­s said, because in many cases it mirrors genuine networks of Americans engaging in free speech online. Social media services can act to remove domestic disinforma­tion only when the American groups that are making and distributi­ng it start to use techniques that violate the companies’ terms of service, such as creating false accounts.

“Facebook’s tactics are extremely ineffectiv­e in stopping these networks of hundreds of Facebook pages and accounts from spreading disinforma­tion,” said Natalie Martinez, a fellow at Media Matters, a nonprofit that monitors disinforma­tion from conservati­ve websites.

 ?? HANDOUT VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? A screenshot shows Right Wing News’ Facebook page. Ahead of the midterm elections, false and divisive messages on social media — once the specialty of Russianlin­ked operatives — are now increasing­ly being created and spread by Americans.
HANDOUT VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES A screenshot shows Right Wing News’ Facebook page. Ahead of the midterm elections, false and divisive messages on social media — once the specialty of Russianlin­ked operatives — are now increasing­ly being created and spread by Americans.

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