Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

The hard leftward lurch

- Richard A. Epstein is a professor at the New York University School of Law, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institutio­n and a distinguis­hed service professor of law emeritus and senior lecturer at the University of Chicago. His Review-Journal column appears

as vulgar, fraudulent, jingoistic and bigoted. So they find it galling that the stock market has moved forward and the tight labor market has driven up wages, especially for minority youth, ex-cons and individual­s with, at most, high school educations.

Second, they still bristle at the nasty way a corrupt and inept Hillary Clinton strong-armed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination in 2016. Even though she ran to the left of Barack Obama, her ties to Goldman Sachs and her unwillingn­ess to match Sanders program for program led them to rally around his progressiv­e/ socialist banner. It does not help that AOC — already a household set of initials — proudly flaunts the socialist label in a way that makes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wince.

Finally, never underestim­ate the corrosive effects that identity politics, often with a strong anti-Semitic strain, exerts on elite academic institutio­ns where Republican­s are a near-extinct species in the humanities, social sciences and law.

It may be that a socialist program of an endless cornucopia of free goods and social transforma­tion plays well on liberal university campuses and in old-line publicatio­ns such as The New York Times and The New Yorker. But will it play well anywhere else? Judging from the Biden surge, it seems as if it will not.

Biden and Pelosi represent the conservati­ve wing of the Democratic Party, and both seem to know that if they get drawn into the maelstrom, the party will carry at most the vocal bicoastal states. Which raises these three prospects: a virtual certainty that the Republican­s will retain control over the Senate; a betterthan-even chance that Trump will get re-elected by a combinatio­n of core supporters and a large group of pragmatic voters who, in light of the general good economic news, regard him as both a known quantity and the lesser evil; and third, a respectabl­e chance for the Republican­s to retake the House of Representa­tives, especially if the hotheads in the Democratic caucus force Pelosi’s hand on the Trump impeachmen­t.

Biden can help avoid these results, but, rest assured, the left won’t surrender without a fight. Instead they will make him run against his own political past. A belated apology to Anita Hill won’t cut it with those who thought they could block the appointmen­t of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. And a fa


cetious, spiffy website graced by a smiling picture of Uncle Joe really wants you to think of him as Uncle Joe Stalin: Take note of his long list of mock achievemen­ts stretching back close to 40 years: AGAINST Gay Marriage (1996); FOR Mass Incarcerat­ion (1994); AGAINST Abortion Rights (1982); AGAINST School Busing (1970s); FOR Iraq War (2003); FOR Death Penalty and Harsh Drug Sentences (1986, 1988).

The modern American left is long on bitterness and contempt, but short on compassion and forgivenes­s. One supposed sin cannot be erased by years of admitted good deeds. The great Kate Smith, whose rendition of “God Bless America” rallied Americans in the dark days of World War II, had her statute unceremoni­ously removed by the Philadelph­ia Flyers and the New York Yankees for her 1931 rendition of “That’s Why Darkies Were Born,” even though the great black singer and activist, Paul Robeson, covered the song as well. These are the folks who will come gunning for Joe Biden. I don’t think that they are strong to stop his nomination. But they could cripple him for the general election by exerting enormous influence in the overheated precincts of the Democratic Party.

Joe Biden deserves better—and so do the American people.

 ?? Erik Verduzco Las Vegas Review-Journal @Erik_Verduzco ??
Erik Verduzco Las Vegas Review-Journal @Erik_Verduzco

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