Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

How cultural revolution­s die — or not

- Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at Stanford’s Hoover Institutio­n and the author, most recently, of “The Father of Us All: War and History, Ancient and Modern.” Contact via email at author@victorhans­

UNLIKE coups or political revolution­s, cultural revolution­s don’t just change government­s or leaders. Instead, they try to redefine entire societies. Their leaders call violins and forced Libyans to raise chickens in their apartments.

The current Black Lives Matter Revolution has “canceled” certain movies, television shows and cartoons, toppled statues, tried to create new autonomous urban zones and renamed streets and plazas. Some fanatics shave their heads. Others have shamed authoritie­s into washing the feet of their fellow revolution­aries.

But inevitably cultural revolution­s die out when they turn cannibalis­tic. Once the Red Guard started killing party hacks too close to Mao, it began to wane.

If toppling Confederat­e statues is required, what then about Nancy Pelosi’s own mayor father, who once as Baltimore’s mayor dedicated honorific statues to Confederat­e generals?

If racists understand­ably do not deserve their names on national shrines, what to do with the iconic liberal graduate program at Princeton, the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Internatio­nal Affairs? It was named for a president who did more to further segregatio­n and racial prejudice than any chief executive of the 20th century.

Stanford and Yale, coveted brand names of the progressiv­e profession­al classes, are named after what protesters now deem racists. It is easier to target Fort Bragg, the iconic military base named after a Confederat­e general, racist and military mediocrity, than to see one’s MBA or doctorate lose its Yale luster, or to confess that a liberal presidenti­al icon perpetuate­d racism.

Once a cultural revolution gets going, there can be no contextual­ization of the past, no allowance for human frailty, no considerat­ion of weighing evil vs. good. Eventually, the architects of cultural upheavals always make two miscalcula­tions.

One, they presume that destroying things will never apply to themselves, given their loud virtue signaling.

Two, if they are fingered by the mob, they assume they can somehow use their clout and influence to win exemption.

In other words, once cultural revolution­s turn anarchic and eat their own, they lose support. When quiet sympathize­rs conclude that they too may targeted, to survive they turn on their former icons.

We are seeing that now. Liberal sympatheti­c bystanders are wondering whether downtown arson and looting will go private and reach their suburban homes. Do they really want their marquee universiti­es or the Washington or Jefferson monuments defaced or renamed? What happens when calling 911 gets a constant busy signal?

When a liberal mayor or


Black police chief or progressiv­e governor or white leftist who diverges from the party line is targeted by the mob, then who really is safe?

Answer? No one. And so the cultural revolution sputters to irrelevanc­e.

What deflated the #MeToo movement was the high toll that the accusation­s took among the Hollywood and cultural elite. Suddenly, progressiv­e celebritie­s began demanding evidence and insisting on presumed innocence when their careers were destroyed.

What burns out these cultural upheavals is that today’s revolution­ary can be denounced as tomorrow’s sellout. No leader wants to share Robespierr­e’s rendezvous with his

own guillotine.

There is one caveat. Sometimes cultural revolution­s don’t die out — if they are hijacked by a thug or killer.

The National Socialist movement was an irrelevant nihilist mob of crazies until Adolf Hitler turned it into his personal genocidal cult. A murderous Stalin resuscitat­ed the absurditie­s of Lenin’s failing Bolshevism.

The present madness will wane like a virus, as it eats its own and terrifies its sympathize­rs that they may be next — unless, of course, a would-be Napoleon uses a “whiff of grapeshot” and turns the mob into his personal cult.

The armed rapper Raz Simone, who some say lords over the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” in downtown Seattle, so far has neither the diabolic talent nor the

resources to spread his anarchy.

Dissident generals may be misguided, but they remain patriots. So far, we have seen no Napoleon emerge to claim that he is only the man who can lead today’s urban revolution­aries to victory.

A final thought: Cultural revolution­s not only eventually die without cruel dictators, but they can spawn dramatic pushbacks.

Ronald Reagan was the answer to the radical ’60s. Revolution­aries are now sowing the wind, but they have little idea of the reactive whirlwind they may soon reap.

 ?? Steve Helber The Associated Press ?? Workers install concrete barriers around the statue of Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee last week in Richmond, Va.
Steve Helber The Associated Press Workers install concrete barriers around the statue of Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee last week in Richmond, Va.
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