Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

‘Cobra Kai’ star Martin Kove

Actor in fine form in Season 3 of Netflix hit Special to the Las Vegas Review-Journal

- By C.L. Gaber |

HE knows that 2020 scarred us a bit. It made us feel bullied. Afraid. It’s why his message for 2021 is simple: “No mercy. “Take your first few days of this new year and you strike first,” actor Martin Kove says. “No fear.”

“Forget about the doubt and bullies,” he advises. “Keep smiling and move forward. With what we’ve all been through last year, fear does not exist.”

Kove is like that inspiratio­nal life coach — with muscles. At 74, the Brooklyn native Zooms in from his home in Los Angeles, where he just went for a jog. Everywhere he goes, it’s the same thing. “People yell to me, ‘No mercy,’ and it feels good. It leaves me stoked,” says the actor best known for playing ruthless Sensei John Kreese in the first “Karate Kid.”

He’s in fine form in Season 3 of Netflix’s hit revamp “Cobra Kai,” available this weekend.

Review-Journal: Is there a lot of John Kreese in Martin Kove?

It’s almost embarrassi­ng to say that there is a lot of John Kreese in me. I can understand his anger and hostility, which became real things in my own personalit­y over the years. I understand this man Kreese, which has been helpful. When I signed on to play him again, I did a lot of research into his time in Vietnam and his personal background. But (I’m) lying if I didn’t say that I pulled from my own personalit­y when needed. I’m a very strong type.

But you don’t like being called the “bad guy.”

Not at all. I’m into heroics. As an actor, if you’re playing someone tagged as the so-called villain, I believe you play him as a hero unto yourself. Then the rest can decide how heroic you are — if at all.

Why has “Cobra Kai” been so successful?

We had others over the years who wanted to revamp the “Karate Kid” franchise. Those didn’t feel right. From the start, the idea of seeing life through the eyes of Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) really caught the attention of William, Ralph Macchio and the rest of us. It was a different way to tell the story that felt fresh and interestin­g. I was glad to have a complicate­d relationsh­ip with Johnny Lawrence. He’s the son I never had. I’m the father he never had. It’s devastatin­g for both of us because we have very different ideas of what integrity means.

You were first cast as Kreese in 1984. How did you land the role?

Carol Jones, a casting agent, gave me the “Karate Kid” script. She said, “It’s Monday. You’ll come in and read on Friday.” Well, I got a call Tuesday morning that director John Avildsen wanted to see me at noon on Tuesday. I said, “But I was told I have the whole week to learn the script.” … I was so angry and so venomous when I went in to read that I had no choice but to listen to my wife, Vivian, who said, “Take that venom you feel right now and just do the scene.” I actually walked in and said, “John, you’re an (expletive). You didn’t give me any time to rehearse.” I cursed him and went right into it. I was so pumped up that he loved it.

Netflix moved up the release of Season 3 for the holiday weekend. What can we expect?

You’ll see these characters do what they do, but with more colors, in Season 3. It’s not a good guy/bad guy situation. Everyone is sharing things from their own lives. For Season 3, I also sat with mercenarie­s and Army Rangers from Vietnam. We’ll learn a lot about Kreese’s background and how he became the man we know today.

How do you stay buff? You make the actual fight scenes look effortless on screen.

My philosophy with the body is you can’t think “I’m getting old.” I prefer to say “I’m getting older.” That said, I train endlessly for my fight scenes in the series. The bottom line is I’m motivated to get into the gym because I’m on a series. I also love to play tennis and horseback ride for fun, but it’s also good for your body. I do it all because I don’t want stunt doubles, although we have a great stunt coordinato­r. I want to do as much as possible.

How do fans react when they have a chance encounter?

It’s interestin­g because now I have a mask on, a cap and my sunglasses. And the fans still come running up, yelling, “I love the show.” A few weeks ago, I was in Tampa at a restaurant with my girlfriend. Five little kids came running up to take pictures. Of course, I’m always game.

What is your idea of an ideal Sunday during quarantine?

My home has four different outdoor areas. My daughter brings over my 3-year-old grandchild, which is the best way to spend a Sunday. My son Jesse is my best friend and he handles all my social media, so he’s at the house. As a family, we watch a lot of movies in the garden. We just spend time together like I did as a kid in New York at my grandmothe­r’s house. Now it’s at my house — and I love it.

 ??  ?? Netflix Martin Kove portrays John Kreese in “Cobra Kai,” now in its third season on Netflix.
Netflix Martin Kove portrays John Kreese in “Cobra Kai,” now in its third season on Netflix.

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