Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Democratic Congress ready to take on Big Tech

- By Cecilia Kang

WASHINGTON — The last time Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., sat in the majority, her party was fawning over Silicon Valley. Lawmakers praised the ingenuity of Facebook and Amazon, while President Barack Obama and regulators fought alongside Google and Twitter to protect the growth of internet businesses.

Now, many of those same politician­s are gearing up to tame those companies. And Klobuchar, who leads the Senate panel overseeing antitrust, is expected to play a leading role.

Many Democrats, as well as some Republican­s, want to take on Big Tech with laws and regulation­s to address issues like market power, data privacy, and disinforma­tion and hate speech. Those ambitions have only grown since the insurrecti­on at Capitol Hill, with more members of Congress pointing to the power of the tech companies as the root cause of many problems.

The growing talk of new federal laws adds to the industry’s many headaches. Facebook and Google are fighting federal and state regulators in court over allegation­s of anti-competitiv­e conduct. Regulators continue to investigat­e Amazon and Apple over antitrust violations. President Joe Biden and his nominees for attorney general and Commerce secretary have also promised to hold tech companies to account for the speech they host and to strengthen policing of competitio­n violations.

“We have a major monopoly and competitio­n problem,” Klobuchar said. “People have just finally had it.”

“I don’t think people were feeling very trusting when you have angry mobs of people fed by the internet going to invade buildings or when you have foreign entities trying to invade our elections,” she added.

Klobuchar has made her critiques of the industry, and existing antitrust law, well known. Last year, during her failed run for president, she promised to get tough on the biggest tech companies. She is expected to release a book this spring that presents a case against corporate concentrat­ion — from the industrial-age trusts to Silicon Valley.

In coming weeks, she plans to introduce a bill aimed at limiting corporate monopoly power across the economy, with a particular eye on tech. The legislatio­n would erect new hurdles for giant corporatio­ns trying to gobble up smaller competitor­s, preventing a repeat of deals like Facebook’s acquisitio­n of Instagram in 2012. The federal and state lawsuits against Facebook argue that the deal, which regulators did not object to at the time, eliminated competitio­n that could have one day challenged the company’s dominance.

The bill would also include roadblocks for acquisitio­ns of “maverick” companies that present better offerings for consumers, in the way T-Mobile did before its merger with Sprint. And it would pump more money into the antitrust agencies.

The ideas mirror many recommenda­tions introduced in October in a House judiciary report led by Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I. But Klobuchar’s bill won’t include provisions to unwind past mergers and other structural reforms, as Cicilline’s report had recommende­d.

Klobuchar’s bill, as well as other laws proposed to limit the power of the tech companies, will face steep opposition. In 2020, tech companies again spent more than other industries in Washington. Facebook, with lawsuits from federal and state enforcemen­t officials, spent almost $20 million on lobbying, up 18% from the previous year. Amazon spent about $18 million in lobbying, up about 11% from the prior year.

Internet startups are also wary of regulation­s that could stymie their exit strategies to merge with larger companies as well as changes to rules that could hold them liable for the content they host. And agricultur­e, pharmaceut­ical and other industries will also probably balk at changes in antitrust laws.

But Democrats are also facing pressure from the left. Progressiv­e groups, and some liberal lawmakers, want to dismantle the biggest companies. In a sign of the battles to come, those groups have raised concerns in recent weeks about some potential nominees for top antitrust agency roles who they say won’t be aggressive enough against the industry.

“We’d hope to see the antitrust subcommitt­ee in the Senate collaborat­e with the House subcommitt­ee to enact the full suite of recommenda­tions in the digital markets report into law,” said Sarah Miller, executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project, a left-leaning nonprofit advocacy group focused on fighting corporate power. “We won’t be shy about pushing for bolder approaches when the need arises.”

Klobuchar says fresh outrage over the role of social media in the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 has united lawmakers in their animus toward digital platforms, but for different reasons. Democrats are angry that Facebook, Twitter and YouTube allowed President Donald Trump and far-right groups to spread disinforma­tion about the election that led to the riot. Republican­s are motivated by the decisions of the platforms to bar Trump and his far-right supporters.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., a senior member of the House antitrust subcommitt­ee, said he would work with Democrats on legislatio­n, more hearings and investigat­ions of the tech sector.

Republican­s, like Democrats, also cozied up to the tech industry until recent years. Their grievances now are often animated by concerns that the tech platforms censor conservati­ve voices. The decisions by Facebook and Twitter to bar Trump amplified those arguments.

Buck said “censorship” by the platforms was a way to motivate other Republican­s to sign on to antitrust legislatio­n.

“My evolution is similar to that of many Republican­s,” Buck said. “I’m deeply concerned about privacy issues. I’m concerned about censorship and concerned about large companies and monopolies crushing competitio­n.”

Democrats fiercely disagree with the characteri­zations of censorship. They say tech companies need to do more to stop disinforma­tion and calls for violence, and argue that Twitter and Facebook acted too slowly to bar Trump.

“No private company is obligated to provide a megaphone for a malicious campaign to incite violence,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said in a statement. “It took blood and glass in the halls of Congress — and a change in the political winds — for the most powerful tech companies in the world to recognize, at the last possible moment, the profound threat of Donald Trump.”

Increasing­ly, lawmakers are looking to antitrust as a solution to consumer harms like privacy violations and the spread of disinforma­tion. Klobuchar said the problems could be felt across the economy.

“Why do farmers pay so much for seeds and fertilizer? Why is health care so expensive? Why are there so few incentives in place for Big Tech companies to protect your private informatio­n?” she said. “If you aren’t paying attention, you should.”

 ?? GABRIELLA DEMCZUK / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., pictured Jan. 22 in the Senate Judiciary Committee room at the Senate Dirksen Office Building in Washington, is among lawmakers who say the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol has generated more support for tougher regulation of the Big Tech industry.
GABRIELLA DEMCZUK / THE NEW YORK TIMES Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., pictured Jan. 22 in the Senate Judiciary Committee room at the Senate Dirksen Office Building in Washington, is among lawmakers who say the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol has generated more support for tougher regulation of the Big Tech industry.

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