Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Hour of Fox News was illuminati­ng

- Rick Reynolds, Las Vegas

My wife and I turned on the TV in our workout room recently and accidental­ly tuned in to Fox News. It was Fox Business News, so we thought we would take a listen. Again, this was Fox Business News.

We “learned” that the Biden administra­tion will be creating re-education camps to indoctrina­te children to believe in the “fake” climate change issue.

We also “learned” that the $400 billion-plus to help cities and states during the pandemic was for blue states only, a “bluestate bailout,” they called it. It didn’t seem to occur to them that blue states have anywhere from 35% to 40% Republican­s in them, nor did it matter that all states would have access to this money.

Every reference to the Democratic Party was phrased as the “radical liberal left.” Every failure during this COVID-19 crisis was from the lack of effort by blue state governors. There was never a mention of the overwhelmi­ng cases from red states whose governors never implemente­d any of the preventive measures recommende­d by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Even when a guest analyst gave an unbiased assessment of a market condition, anchor Charles Payne would shape the informatio­n into something destined to fail under the new administra­tion.

I challenge every person reading this to occasional­ly watch Fox News for one hour. It will help you understand what has happened to your friends and family, and our country.

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