Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Cowardly commission­ers run for the hills


Southern Nevadans are well-acquainted with political cowardice and malfeasanc­e. But members of the Clark County Commission seem intent on writing a new chapter on the subject.

Last Sunday, the Review-journal published a piece by investigat­ive reporter Arthur Kane revealing how county officials dragged their feet investigat­ing allegation­s of misconduct in various department­s, including the public administra­tor’s office, whose elected head is now in jail facing murder charges in the stabbing death of the RJ’S Jeff German. The county has also refused to comply with a public records request seeking communicat­ions between employees in the public administra­tor’s office, potentiall­y breaking state law.

But the flight from accountabi­lity gets worse.

When Mr. Kane attended a commission meeting to discuss the matter with commission­ers, they all left out a back exit. Mr. Kane also noted that “none of the commission­ers returned calls seeking comment or came out to talk” when he stopped by their offices.

Hide-and-seek is an enjoyable activity for young children, but it’s a bad look for politician­s who purport to be representi­ng the interests of local residents. If elected officials prefer to run for cover rather than confront tough questions about their performanc­e, they’re in the wrong line of work.

Yet turning a blind eye appears to be the primary accomplish­ment of this board in recent years — and taxpayers are the worse for it.

Since 2017, four different county department­s have been touched by scandal, including allegation­s of sexual harassment in the public defender’s office; a Henderson constable who pleaded guilty to stealing county funds; a coroner who claimed fake degrees, apparently double-dipped on vacation time and refused to abide by numerous court decisions on open records; and a public administra­tor’s office in which employees complained to county officials they didn’t feel safe under the leadership of Robert Telles, now charged with murder.

The common theme in all this dysfunctio­n is the failure of well-paid county brass — including the commission­ers. Clark County deputy manager Jeff Wells was responsibl­e for each of the above offices. The county moved with all the alacrity of a snail when first confronted in 2020 with objections about Mr. Telles. County officials also abetted Coroner John Fudenberg, since retired, when he insisted on fighting judicial rulings demanding he release certain autopsy reports, a losing battle that ultimately cost taxpayers $167,000. Mr. Kane also reports that Mr. Wells initially defended the Henderson constable after RJ reports revealed his illicit activity.

County Manager Yolanda King is retiring in November, and Mr. Wells should follow her out the door. Their replacemen­ts should have a deep allegiance to transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and open government. The voters have the ultimate say on the county commission­ers, who clearly need to re-evaluate their commitment to performing the jobs they were elected to do, which is to represent county taxpayers while overseeing the most powerful local government in the state. And you can’t do that while cowering beneath your designer desk.

 ?? Las Vegas Review-journal ?? The views expressed above are those of the Las Vegas Review-journal. All other opinions expressed on the Opinion and Commentary pages are those of the individual artist or author indicated.
Las Vegas Review-journal The views expressed above are those of the Las Vegas Review-journal. All other opinions expressed on the Opinion and Commentary pages are those of the individual artist or author indicated.

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