Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Support fight against superbugs


Thank you for highlighti­ng the looming public health threat of new infections by publishing the New York Times story “New infectious threats await; US probably won’t contain them” on Oct. 3. One additional area of grave concern is the increase in infections that are resistant to current antibiotic­s and treatment options, or superbugs.

Superbugs pose a threat to everyone, but especially people like my son, who suffers from cystic fibrosis. The risk of a normal infection for people with CF is already heightened, but a superbug, which is difficult or impossible to treat with current antibiotic­s, can quickly become deadly.

The developmen­t of new antibiotic treatments to fight superbugs has stalled because the economics of these treatments don’t make fiscal sense for companies to create them. If we have learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic and recent outbreak of monkeypox, preparatio­n is key.

Congress is considerin­g legislatio­n called the PASTEUR Act to help prepare us to fight the looming threat of superbugs by having the federal government stimulate research and developmen­t of new therapies. I encourage Nevada’s congressio­nal delegation to support this important legislatio­n and help protect my son and all Nevadans. Emily Ellis, Henderson

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