Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Got 2 minutes? It could be enough to boost health

- By Nancy Clanton

You want to be healthier and live longer, but finding the time to exercise can be difficult for many people. But a new study finds you might need just two minutes a day to achieve those goals.

“We found as little as 15 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week can lower all-cause mortality and cancer risk by 15 percent, and 20 minutes per week can lower heart disease risk by 40 percent. With additional health benefits up to approximat­ely 50 to 60 minutes per week,” lead author Dr. Matthew Ahmadi, a postdoctor­al research fellow at the University of Sydney, told Medical News Today.

For their study, published recently in the European Heart Journal, the researcher­s selected and enrolled 71,893 adults from the UK Biobank, “a large-scale biomedical database

and research resource, containing in-depth genetic and health informatio­n from half a million UK participan­ts.”

All participan­ts — who were ages 40-69 and had no evidence of cancer or cardiovasc­ular disease — were given a wearable device that tracked

their physical activity and classified it as either vigorous, moderate intensity or light intensity.

“This is one of the largest wearables device-based (studies) in the world and the first to assess the health-enhancing benefits of vigorous physical activity,” Ahmadi said.

Although moderate physical activity was described as exercise that raises your heart rate but doesn’t leave you out of breath, vigorous exercise

includes “sprints, high intensity interval training, swimming or cycling at fast speeds.” This exertion leaves a person trying to catch their breath while speaking.

According to the study, adults who participat­ed in no vigorous physical activity had 4 percent risk of dying in five years. Adding about 10 minutes of VPA a week cut that risk in half, and adding 60 minutes a week cut it in half again, to a 1

percent risk.

“Overall, we found that much lower durations of vigorous physical activity were needed to lower morbidity and mortality risks,” Ahmadi told Medical News Today. “Therefore, any physical activity a person is doing provides an opportunit­y to do vigorous physical activity, if they can do the activity at a faster pace or higher intensity for just short periods of time.”

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