Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Woman aims to offset sister’s bad habit

- DEAR ABBY JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: I’m at a loss about how to deal with my sister, “Julie.” My issue is her constant and blatant storytelli­ng. She has two young children and is recently divorced. While I feel terrible about her situation and have gladly been there to help her, her lies drive me up the wall.

I’m a proud aunt to my niece and nephew, and I do not want them to pick up this habit from her. I know Julie wouldn’t be willing to admit she has a problem, because she becomes extremely defensive when faced with anything she needs to work on. What can I do? — Unsure in Utah

DEAR UNSURE: There is nothing you can do to help someone with a problem they refuse to admit they have, but there may be something you can do to help her children. Model honest behavior, admit when you make a mistake, praise them when they emulate you and call them on it when you catch them in a lie. Then hope it will help them learn not to manipulate others.

DEAR ABBY: My fiancee moved back in with me after living somewhere else for five months. She brought with her a puppy that will grow into a 50- to 75-pound dog. I made it clear to her that I wasn’t into raising a dog in my cramped space. She says she wants a house dog, but I think she wants an excuse to be homebound. How can I convince her that the consequenc­es may end our relationsh­ip? — No Way in North Carolina

DEAR NO WAY: A 50- to 75-pound dog needs exercise and a yard. It sounds like your place has neither. Unless you want a stay-athome wife and a large dog, draw the line NOW. If you don’t communicat­e in plain English, your fiancee will continue to ignore your wishes and walk all over you.

DEAR ABBY: In your opinion, what would be a good way of responding to folks who email you saying “love you” or “I love you” when the sender is acknowledg­ing a birthday? For instance, without going into specifics, I’ll send a text to the second wife of a close relative (a congratula­tory happy birthday greeting), and she always responds, “Love you!” I don’t love this woman, and I find it hard to respond that I love her too, when I don’t. — Uncomforta­ble Out West

DEAR UNCOMFORTA­BLE: Another way to respond would be to write, “Back at ya!” while resolutely fighting the urge to express that you DON’T love her, too. A simple “Thanks!” also would be appropriat­e.

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