Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

The death of principle

- VICTOR JOECKS Contact Victor Joecks at vjoecks@reviewjour­ or 702-383-4698. Follow @victorjoec­ks on Twitter.

MODERN leftism makes more sense when you understand that the only consistent principle is obtaining power. See if this scenario sounds familiar: A crowd of angry protesters storm into the capitol building, upset over the proceeding­s. Some more aggressive individual­s take to the legislativ­e floor, bringing a halt to official business.

What happens next? It depends on the political motivation­s of those involved.

When rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the condemnati­on was swift. President Joe Biden labeled it an “insurrecti­on.” Federal officials have gone after violent rioters. But they’ve also spent years aggressive­ly tracking down people who peacefully entered the building and walked around.

But the reaction is different when the disruptors are Democrats seeking gun control. In March, left-leaning protesters stormed into the Tennessee Capitol. Three state House members disrupted the proceeding­s and took over the floor. One had a bullhorn and led chants.

Democrats and the media lavished praise on the three legislator­s. The fawning increased after the Tennessee House expelled two of them.

Biden tweeted that he had conducted a video call to thank “them for their leadership and courage.” The White House gave these Democrats more attention than the families of the six people murdered by a transgende­r shooter.

Former President Barack Obama said their expulsion — not their halting of official business — was an “example of a broader erosion of civility and democratic norms.” Irony is dead.

You can’t make a principled argument against a mob disrupting legislativ­e business if you won’t apply it to your allies. But few on the left appear interested in principles.

For decades, the left held up the Supreme Court’s invention of a constituti­onal right to abortion as sacrosanct. Imagine the reaction if a red state had said it was going to ignore the Roe v. Wade ruling and prosecute abortionis­ts.

Yet, now major Democrats want to disregard court decisions. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-cortez said she believed “the Biden administra­tion should ignore” a recent federal court ruling restrictin­g an abortion drug. Some voices on the left have offered up feeble resistance, but if the ruling stands that’s unlikely to last.

Most politician­s want it both ways at some point, but there’s a pattern involving foundation­al standards.

Obama used the filibuster to block a judicial nominee of President George W. Bush. When he later decided the filibuster should be abolished, he painted it as racist. Dissent was patriotic during the Bush administra­tion. Now campus leftists shout down or physically attack conservati­ve speakers. Even the ACLU is considerin­g the political views of those involved before taking on free speech cases.

Many on the left no longer have consistent principles. This may stem from the critical race theory worldview that progressiv­es have bought into. It holds that life is a battle between two groups — the oppressors and the victims.

In critical race theory, people are divided by race. The oppressors use their power to construct systems that enshrine their privilege. Those in the victim group can’t succeed on their own. To help them, the values and infrastruc­ture of modern society must be torn down and rebuilt.

If you accept this false dichotomy, the only thing that matters is obtaining and wielding power. It’s why radical leftists, who energize the modern Democratic Party, can so easily switch their positions. If a long-standing principle is helpful in the moment, use it. If it’s not, discard it.

This is repackaged Marxism, including the desire for revolution. Once you understand the worldview, it’s easy to see how the left views some insurrecti­ons as more equal than others.

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