Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Puppy needs training on how to react to strangers

- CATHY ROSENTHAL MY PET WORLD Send pet questions, stories and tips to cathy@petpundit. com. Please include your name, city and state.

Dear Cathy: My adult granddaugh­ter has an 8-month-old toy Australian shepherd. The dog is friendly toward family members but will not allow strangers to go near him.

He will back away if I put my hand out to pet him. He won’t go anywhere near me, and it’s as if he is frightened of all strangers. He has been to a vet and has had all his shots. Is this something he will grow out of? How can we make him a friendly puppy? — Sherry, Massapequa, New York

Dear Sherry: There are several things your granddaugh­ter can do to help her fearful puppy gain confidence. While I will suggest a few things here, my first recommenda­tion is to enroll the puppy in a dog training class or sign up for private lessons with a trainer or animal behavioris­t.

These profession­als can identify the puppy’s triggers and help her create a plan to build up his confidence through training.

Until then, here are some things she can do:

Create a home environmen­t where the puppy feels relaxed and safe. This may include putting a pheromone collar on him, giving him some over-the-counter relaxing chews, or putting an Anxiety Wrap or Thundershi­rt on him.

Next, ask everyone outside his “friendly” circle not to approach or try to pet him. They can talk to and encourage the puppy, but the puppy should always be the one to initiate physical contact with them.

Start training the puppy. Training builds a dog’s confidence and helps him learn the boundaries of his world. Training should include responding to his name; commands for sit, down and stay; coming when called; and heeling on a leash. Begin training in the house. As his confidence and skills grow, expand training to outside the home.

Once he learns basic training, she can begin to focus on her dog’s triggers, which in this case is anyone approachin­g him. She will need to determine the safe distance where a person can stand without him exhibiting fear. If he seems fine when someone is 10 feet away but reacts when someone is 9 feet away, then 10 feet is where you start this training.

Have the person stand 10 feet away and ask them to toss treats toward your dog. The person can inch closer to him, but if he responds fearfully at any point, then the person needs to back up to 10 feet again.

This training may require many practice sessions to see progress.

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