Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Mom wonders if steroids caused divide

- DEAR ABBY JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: Eight years ago, my oldest son, a police officer, quit talking to us. We had no fights, no arguments — he just stopped answering our calls, and I no longer was allowed to see my grandchild­ren. As the year progressed, he also alienated his sister and brothers. For the next three years, I continued trying to contact him or my daughter-in-law, who I also thought I was close to, but they wouldn’t return my calls.

Now, years later, my youngest son (also a police officer) has done the same thing! One minute, he was on the phone laughing and talking with us — then he called back, yelling about sticking up for his ex-wife and hung up! He, too, won’t return our calls.

My oldest has been on steroids, and I believe my youngest may be taking them now. I have gotten over the loss of the oldest, as it has been eight years, but my baby is breaking my heart. Do I keep calling?

My two other children are also stunned and hurt about

how their brothers treat us. We have always been good parents. I’m sure it’s the steroids, but I still don’t know how far to push it. — Completely Thrown in Nevada


THROWN: If your daughter and middle son are in touch with their youngest brother, they could ask what has caused this estrangeme­nt, and intervene. But there are no guarantees it will work.

I will point out that while some steroids are legal, others must be prescribed by a physician because they can be dangerous. Anabolic steroids — a prescripti­on drug sometimes misused by bodybuilde­rs to promote skeletal muscle building and improve athletic performanc­e — can cause side effects, including “‘roid rage,” a state in which the user becomes extremely volatile and aggressive.

DEAR ABBY: I have a close friend who is like a brother to me. He has no family, and during holidays my friend is always alone. My family does not welcome him to holiday dinners, so I’m always torn. I want him to celebrate with us and don’t want to leave him sitting alone at my house awaiting our return. Would I be wrong to spend the holidays with him instead of with my family? — Torn Heart in Pennsylvan­ia

DEAR TORN HEART: Because leaving your friend alone dampens your enjoyment, consider alternatin­g the holidays instead of skipping all the ones your family hosts.

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