Las Vegas Review-Journal

There’s lots behind the number 12

And today brings the last repetitive date this century


numbers and zeros on the wheel.

Today is the last repetitive date for this century. It marks a finality. The end.

“I won’t live to see the next date like this,” said Robert McDaniel of Hender- son. “I’m always looking for a reason to have a good time, and the date is a good enough excuse. I want to do something special with my family today.”

But say you drink a little too much while celebratin­g the occasion. There’s a 12-step program to help you kick any addiction, compulsion or behavioral issue.

Maybe you find yourself in court. A bench of 12 jurors might make the final decision on your freedom.

Perhaps things get too out of control. You might arrive at the 12 gates of heaven with 12 large pearls guarded by 12 angels.

Don’t be alarmed if you receive the 12th card during a tarot reading. The “hanged-man” card looks like bad news, but it represents overcoming a struggle.

“The card’s general meaning is a sign of accomplish­ment,” said Johnny War-

ren of Psychic Eye Book Store. “It means accomplish­ing a struggle once you put your mind to it.”

A full-time college student must carry at least 12 credits per semester. In the middle of finals week, today marks the last test for many college courses.

“I didn’t even realize it was 12/12/12 until I was taking my first test,” said Stephanie Marshall, a student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “I hope

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