Las Vegas Review-Journal

Boehner flexes fundraisin­g muscles to help GOP

Speaker spends break raising millions on bus tour to keep control of House


LINCOLN, N.D. — House Speaker John Boehner’s fundraisin­g skills put him in a class with few others. He has scooped up more than $43 million for accounts under his direct control and helped amass tens of millions more for Republican allies.

The Ohio lawmaker accounts for about one-fifth of the cash collected by House Republican­s’ campaign arm, the National Republican Congressio­nal Committee. Boehner has written almost $18 million in checks to the group, which has raised $101 million this campaign cycle.

He is spending Congress’ August break on a 14-state bus tour to help the GOP hold the majority in the House, appearing at fundraiser­s for candidates, including one Friday night in North Dakota for first-term Rep. Kevin Cramer.

“I’m glad he’s on my team. Let’s get him re-elected,” Boehner said during a fundraiser in an old dairy barn that is now an events center in Lincoln, a town of about 2,400 people southeast of Bismarck.

Boehner said it was about “saving the American dream for my kids and yours.”

In the audience were about 250 lobbyists, business leaders and farmers who each paid $100 to hear Boehner and grab a hamburger, potato salad and cookies.

By the time Boehner returns to Washington, he will have traveled 6,000 miles and appeared at campaign events for 20 Republican candidates. He will have met with party leaders and the activists behind local political organizing.

Elmer Knodel, 82, drove 85 miles from his farm in Drake for the chance to see Boehner, and write Cramer a check.

“I’ve been correspond­ing with (Boehner) for years,” Knodel said. “The speaker told me he was real glad to meet me.”

Boehner’s draw and fundraisin­g prowess ensure he probably can lead the GOP as long as he wants.

He “is probably the more important Republican in America today,” Gov. Jack Dalrymple told donors.

Speculatio­n about Boehner’s retirement often quiets when operatives realize the large role his fundraisin­g machine plays.

The speaker’s role typically brings with it tremendous fundraisin­g potential.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., sent more than $2 million from her campaign accounts to the Democratic Congressio­nal Campaign Committee’s unsuccessf­ul bid to keep the party’s House majority in 2010. Democrats say she helped raise more than $20 million for the committee in that year, and $27 million last year.

Pelosi, still the top Democrat in the House, has paid $1 million directly to the congressio­nal campaign committee this year and has helped it raise more than $45 million this cycle, party officials said. Her fundraisin­g haul stands at almost $69 million for candidates and committees combined. Pelosi tends to help other Democratic political machines raise money. Boehner, who rose to the House’s top job after 2010’s tea party-driven elections removed Pelosi as speaker, favors collecting the cash through his committees and doling it out.

Boehner’s Ohio re-election campaign raised $15 million, and his national fundraisin­g committee raised more than $25 million. His grass-roots committee, The Freedom Project, raised an additional almost $3 million.

Boehner raises millions more through fundraisin­g letters, automated phone calls and emails that have his signature.

Even with Boehner’s deep pockets and drawing power, the House Republican­s’ campaign committee lags its Democratic rival. Heading into July, the Democratic committee had raised almost $125 million this cycle and outraised the Republican­s in 16 of the previous 18 months.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, left, appears with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus during the GOP convention in 2012.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, left, appears with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus during the GOP convention in 2012.

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