Las Vegas Review-Journal

Brain, FroM Page 1:

Older age is leading factor


brain injury, Samadani said.

Heavy drinking causes liver damage that can disrupt the blood’s clotting functions, she explained. Likewise, the chance of developing a chronic SDH is significan­tly higher among those on anticoagul­ant medication, such as Coumadin (warfarin), commonly prescribed to prevent heart attacks, strokes and blood clots, especially for older adults.

As many as 24 percent of patients with the disorder were on warfarin or an anti-platelet drug to prevent clots, according to a study by researcher­s in Wales.

As many as 10 percent of patients had a history of alcoholism or epilepsy, the Welsh team reported. Obesity can be a contributi­ng factor by increasing estrogen levels in the body, Samadani said.

However, older age remains the leading predisposi­ng factor. As people age, the brain shrinks, creating a space into which fluid can collect. The veins that drain the brain must traverse this space, and even the slightest jolt can cause them to leak, leaving blood trapped against the brain. Also, these “bridging veins” become more fragile and susceptibl­e to tears.

Chronic SDH has been described as “the great neurologic­al imitator” because it often presents a confusing array of possible symptoms that can resemble, alternativ­ely, a psychiatri­c disorder, dementia, a migraine, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, a stroke or a transient ischemic attack, also known as a ministroke.

Patients may develop a rather severe headache and weakness on one side of the body, have difficulty walking, seem confused or have trouble speaking, Samadani said. She added that chronic SDH “is a common treatable cause of dementia.”

Symptoms tend to develop rather suddenly, often without apparent explanatio­n. Patients and their doctors need to be aware of the various symptoms and signs, and follow up with a CT scan that most often can reveal or rule out a subdural hematoma. The scan may need to be repeated using a dye if initial results are unclear.

TheWelshte­amnotedtha­tthe most important factor in diagnosing chronic SDH was “a high index of suspicion” in patients whether or not they had a head injury or other trauma. Warning signs include headache; a change in mental status or worsening of pre-existing neurologic­al or psychologi­cal illness; and neurologic­al problems in a specific location like one side of the face, an arm or even a small area of the tongue.

Treatment of a chronic SDH is not always needed, though patients with a seemingly stable hematoma must be monitored, with prompt treatment if symptoms worsen.

If bleeding into the subdural space continues unchecked, it increases pressure on the brain that can lead to a loss of consciousn­ess, permanent disability or death.

Onlyathird­ofpatients­require surgical treatment, Samadani said. In the remaining twothirds, the hematoma is gradually reabsorbed without invasive treatment. Patients can also be given medication to help speed the process, she said.

While many chronic subdural hematomas cannot be prevented, the risk of developing one can be lowered by avoiding alcohol abuse, reducing the risk of falls and maintainin­g a normal body weight.

While there is no certain way yet to minimize brain shrinkage with age, Dr. Steven Flanagan, chairman of rehabilita­tive medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, said, “Regular cardiovasc­ular aerobic exercise is good not only for the heart and lungs, but also for cognitive function. Evidence suggests it increases brain-derived neurotroph­ic factor,” which promotes survival of the brain’s neurons.

Yet another reason to get — and stay — moving as you get older.

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