Las Vegas Review-Journal



The Review-Journal welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should not exceed 300 words and must include the writer’s name, mailing address and phone number. Submission­s may be edited and become the property of the Review-Journal. Email letters@reviewjour­ Mail Letters to the Editor P.O. Box 70 Las Vegas, NV 89125 Fax (702) 387-5241 Nixon’s memoir looking for clues to Watergate, or to John F. Kennedy’s to search for references to Judith Exner, Sam Giancana, Marilyn Monroe or the 1960 West Virginia primary.

Here’s a hint to the former watchdogs of the press: Hillary Clinton’s emails were scrubbed squeaky clean before you saw hard copies. Indeed, there are hundreds of pages of theoretica­l “family” messages that were supposed to have been deleted as personal — but which serve to advance the campaign narrative. Either ask for the server (trust me, once written, nothing can be totally scrubbed) or shut up. single crew member could not properly secure it alone.

The safety benefits of having two crew members on board are not limited to parking a train. Engineers and conductors are each responsibl­e for a long list of unique duties, most of which must be carried out simultaneo­usly. Consolidat­ing these responsibi­lities to one individual would only exacerbate the most critical safety issue facing the rail industry today — high levels of fatigue among operating employees — and result in additional train accidents. Two-person crews not only help prevent potential accidents or derailment­s, but also play a critical role in mitigating emergency situations when they do occur.

Positive train control, while an important safety technology, cannot replace the vital role of a second crew member. No one would approve of a commercial airliner being operated by one pilot, even though a plane can fly itself; freight trains, which cannot drive themselves, should be treated no differentl­y.

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