Las Vegas Review-Journal

If he’s not a boyfriend, kick him out of bed


DEAR ABBY: I am 32 and need advice on setting personal boundaries in my relationsh­ips. Simply put, I have a guy friend who has feelings for me that I don’t have for him. We dated briefly. I broke it off, and we have continued as friends for two years.

He knows I’m not interested in an intimate relationsh­ip with him. However, he has made it clear through words and behavior that he’s in love with me, almost to the point of obsession.

I feel he doesn’t respect my personal space. We argue — especially if he ends up crashing at my house after a night at the pub. I firmly tell him he can only sleep on my couch, but he will weasel his way into my bed. I feel I’m enabling him in his clingy behavior because I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

Allowing him to sleep over and weasel himself into your bed sends him a mixed message, and that’s a mistake.

I want to be able to act assertivel­y with him and others. I want to stop being so passive, especially with men. Please advise me how to work on this. — Pushover in Vancouver, British Columbia

DEAR PUSHOVER: The man you describe appears to be under the impression that he can wear you down if he keeps at it long enough. He isn’t interested in being your “friend;” he wants to be your lover.

Because you aren’t interested in him that way, quit allowing him to sleep at your place. If he becomes so drunk he can’t drive himself home, get him a taxi. Allowing him to sleep over and weasel himself into your bed sends him a mixed message, and that’s a mistake.

To create effective boundaries, you must be clear about the messages you send to others. What you appear to need to work on is the ability to say no. Try it. You will like it.

DEAR ABBY: My dad treats me like a little kid and refuses to recognize that I’m an adult who can make my own decisions. It makes it difficult for us to get along, and I have been spending less time with him because of it.

I’m 40. I haven’t lived at home for more than 20 years. I’m married with kids and hold a responsibl­e job, but he still sees me as a little girl. An example: He will tell me how to do everyday tasks and remind me not to touch the stove or leave the lights on. In his mind, I never grew up.

I have tried talking to him about it, but all he does is roll his eyes.

Dad is in his late 60s, and I’d really like to have a relationsh­ip with him while he is still alive and healthy. How can I make him understand his perspectiv­e is skewed and he needs to change his behavior? — Daddy’s Girl

DEAR DADDY’S GIRL: At his age, you aren’t going to change your father. Your chances of improving your relationsh­ip with him will be better if you change the way you react to what he’s doing and realize he says the things he does because it’s part of what he thinks is a parent’s job.

Once you see the humor in it, you will stop feeling defensive and resenting him. Trust me, it will go a long way toward your having the adult relationsh­ip with him that you crave. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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