Las Vegas Review-Journal

Answer texts on your own time


DEAR MISS MANNERS: Having finally become familiar with my mobile phone, I now find I conduct both personal and profession­al conversati­ons by texting or instant messaging with some frequency. It’s the real-time implicatio­ns of these conversati­ons that baffle me.

I ignore my phone at home while it charges (still having a landline and desktop computer), and have it set not to ring when out and about.

My question is about responding to text messages. Should I be conscious of being distractin­g or intrusive when replying, i.e., while that person is working, sleeping or involved in some important life event?

GENTLE READER: Absent explicit requests, Miss Manners would not expect you to keep track of when others are working, sleeping or involved in important life events. She hopes that technology continues to permit at least a modicum of mystery to remain on the subject.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My grandkids are 12 and 11, and my daughter wants to go on a vacation. She has asked me if I would come and sit at her house for two weeks, except for the one weekend when my son will keep them.

I have a husband who is not my child’s father. He feels this is wrong of her to ask me to do this.

GENTLE READER: If your husband and you do not wish to baby-sit the grandchild­ren, you have Miss Manners’ blessing to decline to do so. You do not have her permission to invent rudenesses. There are too many already, without adding requests to watch the grandchild­ren to the list.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the etiquette regarding online gift-giving for the holidays with respect to wrapping? I have four children and have received numerous gifts for them from relatives that were ordered online where wrapping was an option.

Yet several of them chose to call me and ask me to wrap the gifts when they arrive so they could save a few bucks. Now I have to spend the few evenings before the holidays up late wrapping other people’s gifts.

GENTLE READER: Miss Manners may be lulled into an excess of holiday good will, but she would suggest keeping an extra roll of wrapping paper on hand to comply with the advantages and disadvanta­ges of modern life. Presumably you should be able to count on others to do the same for you. —Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­

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