Las Vegas Review-Journal

Bounce back from a bone bruise


There are three types of bone bruises: a subperiost­eal hematoma, where blood builds up beneath the fibrous membrane covering a bone; an interosseo­us bruise, where bleeding and swelling occurs in the central cavity of the bone, the place marrow is stored; and a subchondra­l lesion, in which bleeding and swelling occur between cartilage and bone, usually from a compressiv­e or twisting force.

They all can cause swelling, joint pain or tenderness, inflammati­on and stiffness. Sometimes, if the bruise is deep and large — and if you don’t see a doctor — it blocks blood flow to the injured section of bone, leading to irreversib­le necrosis.

Treatment is R.I.C.E.: Give it a REST! Apply ICE cold packs for 20 minutes three times daily. COMPRESS the injured area. And ELEVATE the injury to reduce swelling. Take OTC pain meds and wear a brace if necessary. If your symptoms worsen or are not relieved in a day or two, see a doc. GETTING A BANG OUT OF DIETARY MAGNESIUM

If you want to light up your nutrition and get a healthier bang for your buck, you, too, should fuel up with magnesium — dietary magnesium, that is. It’s an essential mineral.

Magnesium helps support more than 300 body processes, from breaking down sugars to producing important proteins. But, depending on your age, up to 80 percent of you are deficient. Women need to shoot for 350 milligrams a day; men 400.

Getting more is better: A new metastudy of around 1 million people found that an increase of 100 mg of dietary magnesium daily (that’s just a handful of almonds and a cup of kale) significan­tly reduces your risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes. A Harvard study found that a high daily magnesium intake reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 33 percent. (The only people who have to worry about too much magnesium are folks with deficient kidney function.) Here’s where you get it: Legumes: Beans, peas and soy.

Nuts: Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pine nuts and pecans.

Seeds: Pumpkin, flaxseed and sunflower.

Fish: Wild salmon, mackerel, halibut and tuna

Plus: Dark leafy greens such as raw or cooked baby spinach, collard greens, kale or Swiss chard; berries; dark chocolate; bananas; and avocados. Email questions for Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen to youdocsdai­

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